ExoBot Commands - 0x29a-blink/DriftinIoDiscordBot GitHub Wiki
ExoBot's Commands
Prefix - Tells You ExoBots Prefix
///cmds - Gives link to this site
///botownerinfo - Gives some basic info on Deboss
///serverroles - lists all roles in a server
///thanks - gives thanks to people whom helped with the bot
///help - common since man :P
///devs - links you to the Developer(s) info / contact
///playlist - (not under use at the moment(being edited))
///say - ///say your message (bot then repeats what it says)
///nrsay - just a no reply say
///contact - links you to our official server
///purge - deletes messages 1-99
///serverinfo - gives info on the server
///ourserver - same as ///contact
///userinfo @user - gives info on a user mentioned
///serverlogo - gives the server's logo link
///usergame @user - tells you the user's current game that there playing
///serverslength - tells you how many servers ExoBot is in
///ping - :3 find out what it does
///exodaddy - same as ping :3
///rip @user - why dont u find out
Admin / Mod Commands ( role ExoAdmin required )
///kick @user - kicks the user mentioned
///ban @user - bans the user mentioned
///rolegive @user ROLENAME NOT MENTION - ///rolegive @user ExoAdmin