Pitch - 0x213F/jukebox-radio GitHub Wiki
The pitch should be read from the beginning to end.
Any subtitles or diagrams should be not be spoken. Everything else may be spoken. You may access a voice recording of Josh giving the pitch here (link pending).
The norm for how people consume music is deeply rooted in closed-mindedness and ignorance. To me, this comes as no surprise. For one, there is a severe lack of music education in American schooling, and for two, all of the capitalistic apparatuses built to sustain the music industry ignore the issue of education all together.
Ask yourself:
- Do I know anyone that does not like rap? Might that type of person have racial or cultural biases?
- Do I know anyone who refuses to listen to music outside of their comfort zone?
- Is there a genre of music that people dismiss all together?
These are all symptoms of our closed-minded and ignorant society.
The good news is that Jukebox Radio is focused on building and distributing the cure to revolutionize this broken system.
Jukebox Radio is a tool that artists and creatives can use to engage and educate the listener in an entirely new way. Jukebox Radio is the next generation of technology that is unlike anything you have ever seen before.
Timeline graphic
(Vinyl) -> (CD) -> (iTunes) - > (Spotify) -> (Jukebox Radio)
At the core of it is our Sessions platform. A Session is an entirely new proprietary multi-media format that takes the listener to a deeper appreciation of art and culture.
To explain what a Session is, let me take you through three separate journeys, with each journey acting as a pipeline to the next.
The first journey starts at the beginning: where music is created. Creators can use Jukebox Sessions to supplement their music with visual components like liner notes, sheet music, and lyrics. They can also give an intimate behind-the-scenes tour of how their music was made with voice overs and text comments. They can also contextualize their own art by sharing the music that inspired them along the way.
In short, Sessions give the creator an opportunity to turn a casual listener into an active listener. This allows the listener to understand the intent and cultural significance of artwork, something that was not even possible before.
After the music has been released and annotated by artists, the journey continues with music educators. Jukebox Radio is a tool designed for education and comprehension. Educators can notate audio tracks with comments, voice overs, music scores, and much more. Imagine the difference between Spotify's "Rap Caviar" and an online course curated by an African-American studies professor.
That brings us to the last stop on our journey. The music curator. Someone who studies music and curates it into unique and digestable stories. Sessions introduce an entirely new online platform that will bring a revival of the radio show host. You can think of Jukebox Radio as the team who figured out how to do Twitch for music and figured out all the copyright stuff.
So it is with these three journeys that we hope that Jukebox Radio will help lead people to a deeper understanding and appreciation of art.
The creator. The educator. The curator.
But for Jukebox Radio to succeed in its goal, Jukebox Radio needs to build community of creators, educators, and curators. To build and attract community, Jukebox Radio has established a couple of guiding principles:
- All of the software that Jukebox Radio makes is entirely free and open source.
- Jukebox Radio never takes a cut of artists profits.
- Jukebox Radio has a "Musician's Benefit Counsel," or the MBC. The MBC is a democratic governing body that directs the development of Jukebox Radio. Any musician or allied worker is welcome to join the Musician's Benefit Counsel.
- In order to sustain these efforts, Jukebox Radio is is community funded. The sole source of revenue for Jukebox Radio are the donations that are publicly collected online.
Jukebox Radio is at the intersection of arts and technology. Jukebox Radio aims to build technology that enhances the human experience.
We hope that you get involved with us in whatever capacity you see fit. Wether you choose to try out our software, volunteer to build features, join the MBC so that you can have a voice in what kind of music platform you want to see built, or donate to keep the lights on, we appreciate you for joining us in creating a better world for music.