Personas - 0x213F/jukebox-radio GitHub Wiki

The drummer

Josh likes to play the drums. He typically listens to music on Spotify, although he has a large library of MP3s that he has collected over the years.

Whenever Josh wants to play drums alongside any audio, he always uses Jukebox Radio.

Josh always listens to a track first before actually playing on it. He writes down notes about the track so he has a roadmap of the song. With his notes, Josh knows how to transition from one section to another and never misses a beat!

Josh uses Jukebox Radio to write his notes down. Notes are private and timestamped to each track. Josh can write simple notes like "Small fill here" as well as complex notes like actual music notation.

For example, this:

M: 4/4
[V: V1] [e2D] [e2a,] [e2D] [e2a,] |]

Gets turned into this:

ABC Notation

As Josh sits down to play the drums, he puts on his headphones and fires up Jukebox Radio. As he plays along with the music, all of the notes he previously wrote pop up at just the right time.

Jukebox Radio's advanced playback features especially come in handy. For all MP3 uploads, Jukebox Radio allows Josh to "mute the drums."

Since only MP3 files can be separated into stems, Josh is more willing to purchase digital music. He always buys music on iTunes and then uploads it to Jukebox Radio. He wishes Jukebox Radio would sell the music so the process would be easier.

The entrepreneur

Gabby is a vocalist and recording artist. In real life, Gabby has no problem converting a stranger into a fan of her music. She is able to articulately explain her art in casual conversation. She is a breathtaking performer. As such, Gabby has developed a loyal following of "real music fans" who are able to appreciate the true value of her art.

As an independent artist, Gabby feels like she is at a disadvantage. Despite her ability to captivate an audience in real life, she has struggled to captivate an audience through the internet.

Gabby has finally found a solution to her problem. She is releasing her new album as an experience through Jukebox Radio.

Through Jukebox Radio, Gabby can engage listeners with a behind-the-scenes look into her music. Gabby records an hour long session with her production and engineering team breaking down the album and engaging the audience with an all new multimedia experience.

Everyone on the team gets around a table with microphones and laptops. They open up a new session on Jukebox Radio and press record. The team starts doing voiceovers to introduce the album and set the mood. They queue up Gabby's new album and press play. As the music plays, the team writes text comments that show up in the feed. Gabby turns on her mic occasionally to add adlib vocals.

As the session goes on, the team tries out a couple of different things. The producer isolate stems, showing how the song was constructed. (drums first, then bass, then guitar...) Gabby shares some sheet music in the feed. After the end of the album, Gabby and the team decide to share bits and pieces of alternate takes and tracks that didn't make it on the final album.

The whole experience is really informal. For the audience, it feels like they are in the room hanging out with the musicians who made the music. Gabby is relieved that she can finally convey the story of her music to a virtual audience.

Now that Gabby's session is done being recorded, she can share it with the world. She decides to make it free for the first week. Since people seem to really value this new multimedia experience, Gabby decides to start charging for access to her session.