Frequently asked questions - 0x213F/jukebox-radio GitHub Wiki
What kind of application is Jukebox Radio?
Right now, Jukebox Radio is a web application.
Due to a lack of engineering resources, Jukebox Radio is not currently available as a desktop or mobile application. Hopefully in the future we may grow to support every platform!
What is the design status of Jukebox Radio?
There are no currently no designs for the application.
In its current state, most of the UX is placeholder. Most of the features that have gone into Jukebox Radio have at least some UX premeditated. Ideally, the UX would be made more concrete before design is implemented.
What is "Sounds?"
Due to a shortage of engineering resources, there is no timeline for when this feature will be implemented.
What is "Lights?"
Due to a shortage of engineering resources, there is no timeline for when this feature will be implemented.
How is a Jukebox Radio instance allowed to use the Spotify API? Is this a commercial application?
The Jukebox Radio application is non-commercial.
The open source development by 0x213F is independent from any hosted service that serves the Jukebox Radio application.
Is there a risk that Spotify might terminate a Jukebox Radio instance's API access?
Yes. (Terms)
What risks are involved with YouTube integration?
- New YouTube developer accounts are limited to 10,000 API credits per day. (API Overview)
- YouTube may choose to deny the Jukebox Radio instance's application to increase its daily credit allowance.
Manual Uploads
How do you manage copyrights?
By default, all the audio files that a user uploads remains private. Files may only be accessed by the user that uploaded them.
If a user wants to share a session that contains manually uploaded audio files, the user must be given access to the feature by one of the instance's site administrators. To apply for a Jukebox Radio instance's distributors license, get in contact with its administration.