Fallback - 0perationPrivacy/VoIP GitHub Wiki
Fallback Setting
Telnyx and Twilio both have a field in their settings to configure a backup or failover URL to send the SMS or Call to in case the primary link fails.
You can host your instance of VoIP Suite on 2 different locations. Below are some options for redundacy:
- One in Heroku, one in another PaaS service
- 2 Separate Heroku accounts or 1 account with 2 dynos
- Home server
- AWS, GCP, Azure
Go to Settings
> Account Settings
> Fallback Settings
- The primary link is pre-populated with the current URL when you enter and save the API key. To change it to something else, you simply need to click save on the API settings again.
- Enter in the URL of the 2nd domain name and the app will automatically push that to Twilio and Telnyx settings
- Click
1. Making another Heroku account for fallback.
- Navigate to https://www.heroku.com/
- Click "Billing"
- Click "Add credit card" (no charge made, just provides additional credits)
- Click "Create New App"
- Provide any "App name", which must be unique
- Note: You might want to choose Europe in case US servers go down..
2. Configuring Heroku with the 2nd base URL
- Return to the Heroku browser tab
- If you do not see your app, click the logo in the upper-left and select your app
- Click the "Settings" tab
- Click "Reveal Config Vars"
- Copy content from old to new account
- Change the base url to the 2nd instance instead (https://2ndApp.herokuapp.com/)
3. VoIP Suite Web App
- Go to your first/primary Web App
- Go to
,Account Settings
,Fallback Settings
- Add your new 2nd instance: (https://2ndApp.herokuapp.com/)
4. GitHub Fork
- On the 2nd Heroku account, go to Deploy
- Login to the same GitHub account as before.
- Deploy Branch with automatic deploys