Classic Retargetting - z88dk/z88dk GitHub Wiki


Adding a new platform target to z88dk can be a fairly simple process depending on the commonality with existing targets. For example, to add a new TMS9918 target can be just a few hours work, with most of that time spent testing keyboard handling.

In this documentation, we will refer to {z88dk} as the directory where z88dk is installed, and [machineid] as the system we are targetting.

Basic levels of support

A minimal port should consist of the following items:

  • A zcc configuration file
  • A crt0 file
  • An implementation of fputc_cons_native(), fgetc_cons()
  • Appmake code to generate a file that can run on an emulator or on a real device

ZCC configuration file

Location: {z88dk}/lib/config/[machineid].cfg

The configuration file tells zcc where to find the crt0, library file and defines any pre-processor macros that can be used to identify the target.

They are relatively small files, so it's usually best to copy the file from a target with similar hardware and search and replace the references for your chosen identifier.

The crt0 file

Location Example: {z88dk}/lib/target/[machineid]/classic/[machineid]_crt0.asm The actual location and name of the crt0 file is specified within the ZCC Configuration file.

The crt0 file contains the entry point and is responsible for defining the memory layout, setting up the assembler sections and defining constants such as CPU speed that are used by the library.

Again, it's easiest just to copy the file from a similar target and adjust memory addresses, values to suit.

An implementation of fputc_cons_native()

int fputc_cons_native(char c) is the function that will output a character to the display device. The file should be located in {z88dk}/libsrc/target/[machineid]/stdio/fputc_cons_native.asm. Typically this routine will consist of a call to the machine's firmware.

Note although the function is named fputc_cons_native, both library and user code call the function named fputc_cons. The crt0 (via lib/crt/classic/crt_runtime_selection.asm) sets up an alias fputc_cons=fputc_cons_native should printing by the firmware be the desired output.

Once you've got the function it's time to create a library file. The contents of a library file are (by convention) defined in {z88dk}/libsrc/[machineid].lst. The minimal contents of that file would be:


The library file will be built by {z88dk}/libsrc/Makefile so here you need to the following at the top:

TOCREATE += $(call check_target,[machineid],[machineid]_clib.lib)
        @echo ''
        @echo '--- Building [Machine] Library ---'
        @echo ''
        $(call buildgeneric,[machineid])
        TARGET=[machineid] TYPE=z80 $(LIBLINKER) -DSTANDARDESCAPECHARS -DFOR[machineid] -x$(OUTPUT_DIRECTORY)/[machineid]_clib @$(LISTFILE_DIRECTORY)/[machineid].lst

The classic library does not disturb the iy register, however it will use the ix register. As a result if your machine requires that ix is preserved then the last line of the rule should look like this:

        TARGET=[machineid] TYPE=ixiy $(LIBLINKER) -IXIY -DSTANDARDESCAPECHARS -DFOR[machineid] -x$(OUTPUT_DIRECTORY)/[machineid]_clib @$(LISTFILE_DIRECTORY)/[machineid].lst

This will force the library to be assembled in such way that where ix is used in a source file, it will be replaced with iy in the resulting binary.

You can then build the library with make [machineid]_clib.lib and copy the resulting file to {z88dk}/lib/clibs/

Appmake support

All targets should support creating a file that will run on either an emulator or the real hardware. appmake has built in support for creating and padding ROM files and provides many routines to solve common file generation problems, however it's probable that your chosen machine isn't already supported.

Once you've done all of these steps, you should be able to compile and run a hello world example.

Adding keyboard support

When keyboard input is required, the classic library will call the fgetc_cons() function.

Conventionally, if reading the keyboard relies on the firmware or if the hardware only supports reading a single key at a time, then it should be placed in {z88dk}/libsrc/target/[machineid]/stdio/fgetc_cons.asm. Some parts of the library or examples require polling of the keyboarders using getk(), this file is located in {z88dk}/libsrc/target/[machineid]/stdio/getk.asm

Should the hardware support detection of multiple simultaneous keypresses, you can add an inkey driver (see below).

Adding the generic console


Adding PSG support

z88dk contains drivers for the AY-3-8910 and SN76489, for AY support take a look at libsrc/target/zx/psg for what is needed.


Adding one bit sound support


Adding graphics support


Adding inkey keyboard reading


Adding file I/O

Should file handling be required, then the following standard routines from fcntl.h (or unistd.h as it is sometimes known), alternatively, should file handling not be required, then linking with the -lndos library will satisfy any compile-time requirements.

int open(char *name, int flags, mode_t mode);
int creat(char *name, mode_t mode);
int close(int fd);
size_t read(int fd, void *ptr, size_t len);
size_t write(int fd, void *ptr, size_t len);
long lseek(int fd,long posn, int whence);

int __FASTCALL__ readbyte(int fd);

This function reads a byte from filehandle fd (which is supplied in the register pair hl), if an error occurred it should return EOF (-1) and return with carry set. Otherwise it should return with carry reset and hl holding the byte just read

int writebyte(int fd, int c);

This function writes byte c to filehandle fd, once more if an error occurs it should return EOF and carry set, otherwise hl holds the byte just written and carry is reset

void fabandon(FILE *fp)

Abandon file with the handle fd - this is called by the system on program exit should it not be able to close a file. This function is a dummy function on the z88 but for example on the Spectrum +3 this function would be of use.