Understanding Test Results - xspec/xspec GitHub Wiki

Colors in Diff

Result and Expected Result use three colors to highlight the differences.

Color Meaning Significance
same Same These portions of nodes match each other.
inner-diff Inner difference These nodes have the same name, but they are different somewhere inside.
diff Different These portions are where the nodes are different.





Processing instruction

processing instruction

Expected Result and Expecting

x:expect/@test has dual functions depending on whether it's xs:boolean or not. Reflecting its duality, the right-hand side of the test result is either Expected Result or Expecting.


($x:result is the actual result of the tested function or template.)

@test Left-hand side Result Right-hand side title Right-hand side contents
xs:boolean $x:result Expecting XPath expression in @test. You expected this expression to be true when evaluated in the context of $x:result
Not xs:boolean Result of @test evaluated in the context of $x:result Expected Result Your expected item(s). You expected @test to be this item(s) when evaluated in the context of $x:result.
Does not exist $x:result Expected Result Your expected item(s). You expected $x:result to be this item(s).

For the details about @test duality, see Expectations.


Test result

Test result

Difference in XPath ... from

Wondering why a test fails when the contents of Result and Expected Result look exactly the same? Check out XPath above the contents.


In this example, XSpec expects a document node while the tested stylesheet generates an element node.

Test result

Test result

  • The expected document node contains an element node which is exactly the same as the element node generated by the tested stylesheet.
    • That's why the contents are all green.
  • Having said that, the test fails.
    • That's because a document node and an element node are two different node types.

You can find the node types in XPath ... from above the contents. Note that reflecting their mismatch, they are colored in pink.


The best way to fix the above example depends on what you actually expect the tested stylesheet to generate.

  • If you expect the tested stylesheet to generate a document node, fix the stylesheet to do so:

    <xsl:template as="document-node(element(foo))" name="my-template">

    Note also that it's always a good practice to declare your desired node type clearly by setting @as in xsl:template.

  • If you expect the tested stylesheet to generate an element node, fix XSpec to expect so:

    <x:expect href="xpath-from.xml" label="Expect an element" select="foo" />

    Also, it is strongly recommended that you declare your desired node type clearly by setting @as in xsl:template:

    <xsl:template as="element(foo)" name="my-template">

Whitespace-only Text Node

Grey \t, \n, \r and characters represent whitespace characters in whitespace-only text nodes.

Character in whitespace-only text node Reported as
U+0009 \t
U+000A \n
U+000D \r

Note that this notation is applied only to whitespace-only text nodes. It is not applied to usual text nodes containing non-whitespace characters.

XSpec handles whitespace-only text nodes in special ways. See Whitespace-only Text Nodes for details.


Test result

Test result


<pseudo-*> elements in the reported contents such as <pseudo-attribute>, <pseudo-map>, etc. represent complex results that cannot be expressed directly.

<pseudo-*> Item
<pseudo-array> array(*)
<pseudo-atomic-value> xs:anyAtomicType
<pseudo-attribute> attribute()
<pseudo-element> element()
<pseudo-function> function(*)
<pseudo-map> map(*)
<pseudo-namespace-node> namespace-node()
<pseudo-other> This item cannot be expressed by the current XSpec reporting system

result-*.xml (only on XSpec v2.2.0 or earlier)

When reporting results of large documents, they get output as separate XML files (result-*.xml) rather than embedded directly in the report HTML.

You can inspect the results by clicking their links in the report HTML.

If you are running XSpec on Oxygen, the separate XML files may be deleted after running your tests. In that case, duplicate the built-in Run XSpec Test transformation scenario and set clean.output.dir = false in the Parameters tab. Run it instead of the built-in Run XSpec Test transformation scenario. The link in HTML may be still broken, but the XML files should be found in xspec folder relative to the XSpec file.


Test result

Test result

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