Environment Variables - xspec/xspec GitHub Wiki

The following environment variables can be used to configure xspec.bat and xspec.sh.

Environment Variable Description
SAXON_CP Full classpath containing the Saxon jar file (and the XML Resolver jar file if support for XML Catalog is needed).¹
SAXON_HOME Location of a folder containing the Saxon jar file (and the XML Resolver jar file if support for XML Catalog is needed).¹
TEST_DIR Location for XSpec to save reports and temporary files. Defaults to xspec folder relative to the XSpec test file.
XSPEC_HOME Location of the XSpec installation. Defaults to the parent folder of xspec.bat or xspec.sh. If you move xspec.bat or xspec.sh you may have to define this environment variable.
SCHEMATRON_XSLT_INCLUDE Location of an XSLT stylesheet to use for the first step of compiling a Schematron schema. The default is the built-in iso_dsdl_include.xsl
SCHEMATRON_XSLT_EXPAND Location of an XSLT stylesheet to use for the second step of compiling a Schematron schema. The default is the built-in iso_abstract_expand.xsl
SCHEMATRON_XSLT_COMPILE Location of an XSLT stylesheet to use for the third step of compiling a Schematron schema. The default is the built-in iso_svrl_for_xslt2.xsl
XML_CATALOG Location of XML Catalog files.
SAXON_CUSTOM_OPTIONS Command-line arguments passed to Saxon. For example, -expand:off -val:lax. This variable takes effect only when running the test. It has no effect when compiling the test or formatting the test result.


  1. Either SAXON_CP or SAXON_HOME must be provided. SAXON_CP has precedence over SAXON_HOME.