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Updating the GitHub tokens for updating build artifacts and working examples

Laurent Goderre edited this page Apr 11, 2014 · 1 revision

Follow the following procedure to update the Github token that allows Travis to update the build artifacts and working examples. This procedure assumes that Linux (Ubuntu/Debian) is used (Natively or through a virtual machine)

  1. If Ruby is not already installed, install it: sudo apt-get install ruby

  2. Install or update the Travis ruby gem: sudo gem install travis or sudo gem update travis

  3. For each repository, run the following steps:

    a. Run the following command substituting the reposiory name (ex: wet-boew/wet-boew) and WET Bot GitHub token: sudo travis encrypt -r [repository_name] "GH_TOKEN=[GitHub_Token]"

    b. In the .travis.yml of the repository replace the secure: [...] with the output from the previous command. Be sure to maintain the same formatting

    c. Open a Pull request with the changes

Here is a list of repo that use a GitHub key for Travis:

  • wet-boew/wet-boew
  • wet-boew/wet-boew-styleguide
  • wet-boew/GCWeb
  • wet-boew/theme-gcwu-fegc
  • wet-boew/theme-gc-intranet
  • wet-boew/theme-base
  • wet-boew/theme-ogpl
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