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HTML data for basic Web page template

Thomas Gohard edited this page Jun 20, 2013 · 2 revisions


HTML data markup for the basic Web page template in RDFa lite 1.1.

Table of Contents

Specify the vocabulary and identify the basic Web page template as type "WebPage"

<body vocab="" typeof="WebPage">

Identify the breadcrumb

<div id="gcwu-bc" property="breadcrumb">

Identify main content of page

<div id="wb-main" property="mainContentOfPage">

Identify date modified

<div id="gcwu-date-mod" property="dateModified">

Identify the header

<div id="wb-head" typeof="WPHeader">

Identify the footer

<div id="wb-foot" typeof="WPFooter">

Identify the GC navigation bar

<div id="gcwu-gcnb" typeof="SiteNavigationElement">

Identify the primary site navigation

<div id="gcwu-psnb" typeof="SiteNavigationElement">

Identify the secondary site navigation

<div id="gcwu-wb-sec" typeof="SiteNavigationElement">

Identify the site footer navigation

<div id="gcwu-sft" typeof="SiteNavigationElement">

Identify the GC footer navigation

<div id="gcwu-gcft" typeof="SiteNavigationElement">

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