Website CodeRefinery - usnistgov/carpentries-development GitHub Wiki


Use the CodeRefinery template for, e.g, Git Branching.

Set up the workshop repository based on

The following deviations from the template instructions must be made:

  • When importing the workshop-template repository, set the owner to the usnistgov organization on github. Choose a name for the repository of the form YYYY-MM-DD-nist, e.g., 2015-07-23-nist.

  • Per NIST policy, you must do your work in your repository's nist-pages branch (not in gh-pages) .

    • In the GitHub interface, navigate to the branches page (Code > main > View all branches) and click the pencil to edit the name of the gh-pages branch to nist-pages. Leave main as the default branch. Note: This is different from selecting the nist-pages branch in the Code view.
  • Enable Zola static site processing by navigating to Settings > Actions and enabling "Allow all actions". note: You will need to contact [email protected] to have GitHub Actions enabled for your repository.

    • In .github/workflows/build.yml,
      • change TARGET_BRANCH: "gh-pages" to TARGET_BRANCH: "nist-pages"
      • change - name: Deploy to gh-pages to - name: Deploy to nist-pages
      • add publish_branch: nist-pages # default: gh-pages after force_orphan: true.
  • Edit the config.toml file:

    • Change baseurl = to point to your GitHub repository.

    • Set the title = appropriately.

    • Under navigation =, either comment out or delete

      • { name = "How to join", path = "join/" },
      • { name = "Volunteer", path = "volunteer/" }

      Alternatively, customize the linked pages, as they pertain more to the CodeRefinery organization in Scandinavia.

    • Edit registration_link = to point to the registration page you are using.

    • Change source_url = to point to your GitHub repository.

    • When appropriate, uncomment registration_is_open = true.

  • Edit the content/ file:

    • Remove "* Registration will open soon." <div> block; it's weirdly redundant to the registration button.
    • Remove discussion about being an exercise leader (unless you want to figure out how to incorporate this in your class).
    • Edit schedule topics, times, time-zones, ...
    • Edit contact info
  • Edit the content/ file:

    • Remove discussion of teams and exercise leaders (unless you want to figure out how to incorporate this in your class).
  • Push the content to the server by following the instructions at

    Note: NIST templates are forthcoming and may conflict with the SoftwareCarpentry templates.

    Your workshop webpage should appear at

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