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Escape Velocity

Robert Konigsberg edited this page Nov 28, 2021 · 1 revision

Escape Velocity

Escape Velocity is a fan expansion that introduces penalties when players take too long.


When you enable EV, you control the base time a player gets, and the penalty for going over that time.

EV Penalty

In the example above, a player has 30 minutes to complete the game. Once a player reaches 32 minutes, their final score will include a -1VP penalty.

EV Bonus

However, every action you take also gives you an additional 2 seconds. (This is currently not configurable, but shouldn't it be?) So in the example above, if a player has taken 60 actions, they will have received 120 seconds of extra time, so they wouldn't get a penalty u ntil their timer reaches 34 minutes.