GSoC 2021 Report Sudeep Sidhu : Implement JointsMethod - sympy/sympy GitHub Wiki

This report summaries the work I have done during GSoC 2021 for SymPy. The links to the PRs are in chronological order.

About Me

I'm Sudeep Sidhu, a third year undergraduate student majoring in Information Technology from Maharaja Surajmal Institute of Technology, Delhi.

Project Synopsis

My project was to implement various Joints and a JointsMethod using which one can formulate systems kinetic differential equations and do all the kinematics by itself. Weekly progress can be tracked on my blog.

Pull Requests


  • #21564 : Implement PinJoint and Joint class - This PR focused on implementing a base abstract class Joint which will be inherited by other joint classes and can also be used to create custom joints, implements PinJoint which can do all kinematics for pin joint.

  • #21674 : Implement Sliding Joint - Implemented PrismaticJoint class which can do all kinematics of prismatic(sliding) joint.

  • #21689 : Add new features to class body - Body and ReferenceFrame are analogous to each other so added some required attributes to Body.

  • #21700 : Add basis vector to Body - Allow Body's axes to work same as ReferenceFrame.

  • #21712 : Implement Forces and Torques - Make class Body handle forces and torques while following third law of motion.

  • #21730 : Check if velocity is defined in frame before taking derivative of pos - If velocity is not defined wrt required frame then try to find velocity in intermediate frame first instead of straight away taking derivative of position vector.

  • #21778 : Add new abstract base class for methods - Added a new private abstract base class _Methods for LagrangesMethod, KanesMethod and any other future methods, to make them have similar attributes.

  • #21759 : JointsMethod - Implemented JointsMethod class which could use all joints and form systems equation of motions.


  • #21600 : Adds angle_between to Physics.vector - Added a new function to Vector class to find angle between two vectors.

  • #21662 : Check order of arguments in orient_axis - Order of arguments where inverted in orient_axis() as compared to orient(), so made orient_axis() work with both order of args if type of args is correct.

  • #21725 : Unpin the symengine version - Make travis to install latest symengine version.

  • #21728 : Fix failing master branch - Change the usage of pi in joints to make symengine tests pass.

  • #21749 : Add warnings to magnitude and angle_between - Since python ignores the leading - sign, added warnings to certain functions which may give incorrect result.

Future Work

  • More joints has to be implemented.
  • Make LagrangesMethod and KanesMethod API synonymous.
  • Use images to describe description of Joints and JointsMethod in docstring.


This summer has been a great learning experience and has helped me get a good exposure of test-driven development. I plan to continue contributing to SymPy and will also try to help the new contributors. I am grateful to my mentors, Jason K. Moore and Nikhil Maan for reviewing my work, giving me valuable suggestions, and being readily available for discussions.