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Gerard Murphy edited this page Mar 7, 2024 · 24 revisions

Welcome to Americium - learn the local language

Come on in and take the weight off your feet, we're friendly here. Like a nice refreshing glass of integrated shrinkage cordial?

If you want to speak Americium it's expected that you'll do so with a Scalacheck accent - here's a guide to translation:

Arbitrary and Gen

First off, there is no Arbitrary analogue. Gen[+T] becomes Trials[+T]. Easy.

(Actually, there is something called Factory specifically for auto-derivation; that is a bit like Arbitrary. We'll get to that in a bit...)

Getting a Gen

This is nearly always explicit (we'll cover auto-derivation in a bit).

Instead of using the companion object Gen, either import Trials.api or use a method defined on the Trials[T] instance itself...

  • Gen.choose, Gen.chooseNum, Gen.chooseChar, Gen.chooseBigInt etc becomes one of api.integers, api.doubles, api.characters, api.bigInts etc, using the overloads that take lower and upper bounds.
  • Gen.double becomes api.doubles, using the overload without any parameters.
  • Gen.long becomes api.longs, using the overload without any parameters.
  • Gen.oneOf becomes either api.choose or api.alternate, depending on whether you originally fed in T or Gen[T].
  • Gen.const becomes api.only
  • Gen.delay becomes api.delay
  • Gen.frequency becomes api.chooseWithWeights
  • Gen.failed becomes api.impossible
  • Gen.sequence becomes api.sequences
  • Gen.option becomes <trials instance>.options
  • Gen.either becomes <trials instance>.or
  • Gen.stringOf becomes <character trials instance>.several (Calling several on a character trials will build string trials by default.)
  • Gen.stringOfN becomes <character trials instance>.lotsOfSize (Calling lotsOfSize on a character trials will build string trials by default.)
  • Gen.listOf becomes <trials instance>.lists
  • Gen.listOfN becomes <trials instance>.listsOfSize
  • Gen.containerOf becomes <trials instance>.several
  • Gen.containerOfN becomes <trials instance>.lotsOfSize

NOTE: the methods in TrialsApi often have names in the plural - so Gen.double becomes api.doubles, Gen.sequence becomes api.sequences and so on.

Gen as a monad

Trials is a monad too, with a stack-safe implementation. It has a typeclass instance for Cats' Monad. So you can map, flatMap, filter and mapFilter till you drop. There is even withFilter so you can enjoy the full-fat for-comprehension flavour.

Plugging in test lambdas

Throw away Prop.forAll and call <trials instance>.withLimit(<limit>).supplyTo instead.

If you have several Gen instances, then gang together the corresponding trials with .and:

(<trials one> and <trials two> and <trials three>).withLimit(<limit>).supplyTo.


Substitute for Test.Parameters.withMinSuccessfulTests and Test.Parameters.withMaxDiscardRatio with <trials instance>.withStrategy(_ => CasesLimitStrategy.counted(<maximumNumberOfCases>, <maximumStarvationRatio>)).

Substitute for Test.Parameters.withInitialSeed with <supply-to syntax>.withSeed, where <supplyToSyntax> is <trials instance>.withLimit(<limit>) etc.

Substitute for Test.Parameters.withMaxSize with <supply-to syntax>.withComplexityLimit, where <supplyToSyntax> is <trials instance>.withLimit(<limit>) etc.

Sized generators

Substitute Gen.size with api.complexities. This will reveal the appropriate complexity to your own code that builds up trials. Typically this is done in a flat-map: api.complexities.flatMap(complexity => <trials expression using the complexity>).

Custom Shrink instances

Delete them and dance a jig!


Your auto-derivation needs are met by com.sageserpent.americium.Factory, which uses the marvellous Magnolia library under the hood.

If you have a case class hierarchy rooted at Root and you want Trials<Root>, then pull in an implicitly derived instance via:

Scala 2.13


Scala 3

given evidence: Factory[Root] = Factory.autoDerived // May need this if `Root` has a recursive definition like, say, `List[T]`.


As with Scalacheck-Shapeless, you will probably need to supply a few of your own implicit definitions to bootstrap the auto-derivation, it's the same drill only this time it is evidences for various Factory[T] instantiations that you need to supply.

As a guide, here are the built-in implicit definitions for Scala 2.13 and Scala 3.

Next topic: JUnit5 again...

Start here: Project README


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