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Running a Diagnostics Report

Gary edited this page Apr 5, 2019 · 2 revisions

If you are experiencing difficulties with RStudio, send us a diagnostics report. This will help us be able to further investigate the problem. We also recommend first upgrading to the latest version of RStudio.

To run a diagnostics report you can do the following:

From within RStudio:

Help Menu -> Diagnostics -> Write Diagnostics Report

If RStudio is not starting, you can use the following method to run a diagnostics report. Note that you need to also show us the contents of the terminal session that is started.


You can run a diagnostics report by typing the following command into Start -> Run:

C:\Program Files\RStudio\bin\Run Diagnostics.lnk

The diagnostics report will be placed in your user Documents folder under a folder called rstudio-diagnostics (e.g. C:\Users\Username\Documents\rstudio-diagnostics\diagnostics-report.txt)

Note If you installed RStudio to a different location than C:\Program Files make sure to specify this location in the command.

Mac OS X

You can run a diagnostics report by typing the following command at the Terminal:

/Applications/ --run-diagnostics

The diagnostics report will be placed in your user home directory (e.g. ~/rstudio-diagnostics/diagnostics-report.txt).


You can run a diagnostics report by typing the following command at the Terminal:

rstudio --run-diagnostics

The diagnostics report will be placed in your user home directory (e.g. ~/rstudio-diagnostics/diagnostics-report.txt).