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Issue Tags (Labels)

Mike Bessuille edited this page Oct 20, 2022 · 4 revisions


Every issue should fall into one of these categories.

tag meaning
bug Is a bug (something broken). Mutually exclusive with enhancement.
enhancement Is a request for a new feature or improvement. Mutually exclusive with bug.
tech debt An internal tech-debt task that has no impact on the user.

Everything else that is posted as an issue -- questions, etc. -- should be closed, with a polite comment indicating the correct forum.


tag meaning
regression Worked in an earlier version of RStudio, but doesn't work any more.
security Affects the security of RStudio.


Most of these tags are managed by Codetree for its agile columns. For example, when moving an issue from 'in progress' to test, if you do that within Codetree, Codetree will automatically set the labels for you. If you do it in Github, you'll need to add the 'test' label and remove the 'in progress' label.

tag meaning
backlog part of the release (milestone) but not part of the current sprint
current Has been selected by the team for the current sprint, but not yet actively worked on.
in progress Is actively being worked on by a developer.
test Developer work is complete; issue is being verified.

Other workflow tags:

tag meaning
repro needed Cannot be reproduced, but hope exists; waiting for additional info or repro attempts.

Platforms and Areas

These tags should be used to indicate where the issue (or request) lies in the product. They are mutually exclusive in most cases. This is out of date.. The updated list is on our internal confluence page.

tag meaning
ace Involves Ace, the code editor used in the Source pane.
autocompletion Is related to autocompleting code.
builds Involves the RStudio building or build publishing systems
connections Involves the Connections pane or ODBC connectivity.
desktop Is associated only with desktop editions of RStudio. Mutually exclusive with server.
encoding Is related to text encodings.
linux Reproduces only on Linux.
macos Reproduces only on macOS.
publishing Has to do with publishing to RStudio Connect or RPubs.
qtwebengine Is related to the web browser component that renders RStudio Desktop.
vcs Related to the version control system in RStudio (git, subversion, etc.)
windows Reproduces only on Windows.
server Is associated only with server editions of RStudio. Mutually exclusive with desktop.

Closed Issues

These tags are only applied to issues that have already been closed.

tag meaning
won't fix Will not be fixed. Usually a minor issue in a fragile area of the product.
not reproducible Cannot be reproduced after several attempts.
duplicate Has already been reported. Duplicate issues should always be closed, and a link to the original issue provided.
verified Changes which have been verified by QA. As of 1.4-Juliet-Rose, this label is no longer used, as issues are no longer closed until they are verified.
external A real bug, but not in RStudio—most likely in base R or a contributed R package. Suggested resources: the Stack Overflow R discussion or the package repository page.