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Building Installers

JJ Allaire edited this page Mar 15, 2020 · 3 revisions

Quick Start

The package folder in the Git repo has scripts for creating installers. Here are the basics for each platform:


To build the installer for MacOS, go to the rstudio/package/osx folder and run:



To build the installer for Windows, go to the rstudio/package/win32 folder and run:



On Linux, it's possible to make both desktop and server packages, and to build for various installer types. The rstudio/package/linux folder contains the master make-package script, which you invoke with the following arguments:

  1. The release to build, Desktop or Server
  2. The package technology to use, DEB or RPM

For example, to build RStudio Desktop for Ubuntu, you'd use the following invocation:

./make-package Desktop DEB

Using Docker

If your system isn't configured for building RStudio images, you can also build Linux installers (only) using Docker. See the Building with Docker article for details.


By default, your build will run with make defaults and get the "development version" of 99.9.9. If you want to customize this behavior, you can do so by setting some environment variables prior to building. In the shell from which you run the build, set the following:

Variable Description
RSTUDIO_MAJOR_VERSION Major version of RStudio; default 99
RSTUDIO_MINOR_VERSION Minor version of RStudio; default 9
RSTUDIO_PATCH_VERSION Patch version of RStudio; default 9
MAKEFLAGS Flags to pass to make when building; use e.g. -j4 to build with 4 threads.
GWT_BUILD 0 to turn off building GWT; useful if GWT is already fully built and doesn't need to be rebuilt.