ManagingWater - project-SIMPLE/simple.toolchain GitHub Wiki

Managing Water from GAMA

Link to the example model: LinkToUnity/Models/Code Examples/Send Water data.gaml

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The principle is to send a set of geometries for the water agent using a water material. Note that to use a material, it has to be located in the Resources folder of Unity project.

For that, we define a specific unity property for the water.

//action that defines the different unity properties
action define_properties {
	//define a unity_aspect called water_aspect that will display in Unity the agents from its geometry, with a height of 1m, the material "Water Material", the white color, and the default precision
	unity_aspect water_aspect <- geometry_aspect(1.0, "Materials/Water/Water Material",#white, precision);
	//define the up_water unity property, with the name "water", no specific layer, the water_aspect unity aspect, no interaction, and the agent location is not sent back 
	//to GAMA. 
	up_water<- geometry_properties("water", nil, water_aspect, #no_interaction,false);
	// add the up_water unity_property to the list of unity_properties
	unity_properties << up_water;	

Then, we add the water geometry at the right location (z-value) at every step using the add_geometries_to_send action of the Unity Linker agent.

do add_geometries_to_send(water collect (each.shape at_location {each.location.x,each.location.y, global_water_level}),up_water);