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Dynamic DNS

Edmondas Girkantas edited this page Dec 28, 2023 · 14 revisions

There are scripts in Poweradmin that enable you to do dynamic DNS updates.

  • dynamic_update.php - Script for updating IP address (server side)
  • addons/clientip.php - provides your public IP address for dynamic DNS client (server side)
  • - Bash script for updating IP address (client side)
  • - Python script for updating IP address (client side)
  • - Perl script for updating IP address (client side)

Create the user template:

  1. Choose Add permission template from the top Users menu
  2. Give a meaningful name (for example dynamic) and description (For DNS updates)
  3. Select permissions (zone_master_add, zone_content_view_own and zone_content_edit_own)

Create a new user using the previous template:

  1. Choose Add user from the top Users menu
  2. Provide user details, user previous template

Log in as a new user:

  1. Select Add master zone
  2. Provide domain name
  3. Go to the zone you created
  4. Add a record that will be updated dynamically

Update dynamic DNS client. Depending on your preference, you can use Shell, Perl, or Python script

Then run it:

chmod 755

Alternatively, you can create a client that sends username and password with basic authentication