SOCIS 2017 Student Applications - poliastro/poliastro GitHub Wiki

Please add to the list your name and a short description of your project with an internal link to the full description of the project you propose and the timeline you plan to follow.

  • Izan Beltrán - Interactive Porkchop Plots and Interactive Orbit Visualization in 3D
  • Antonio Payá - I want to try develop "Interactive Porkchop" or "Interactive Orbit Visualization in 3D".
  • Daniel Lubián - Develop Low-thrust Maneuvers and Mission objects. Propose some other ideas.
  • Toni Frau - Develop Interactive Porkchop Plots, Interactive Orbit Visualization in 3D and Low-thrust Maneuvers and Mission objects
  • Cristian Meroño - Astrodynamics interactive web with orbital manouvers simulation
  • Fabiola del Pulgar - Interactive Orbit Visualization in 3D
  • Ismael Medina - Low thrust maneuvers. Already studied the MSc thesis and its algorithms and got some ideas for the implementation.
  • Miguel Herranz - Interactive Porkchop Plots and Interactive Orbit Visualization in 3D
  • Samuel Ruiz - Interactive Porkchop Plots in first place and maybe Interactive Orbit Visualization in 3D.
  • Pablo Julio Sáez - Develop a Docker container to unify poliastro installations, interactive/animated plots and a desktop or webapp to approach astronomy to non programers.
  • Arnau Prat Gasull - Interactive Porkchop Plot project description and timeline
  • Antonio Hidalgo - API for retrieving orbital data, 3D orbit visualization and hopefully a basic WebApp based on Poliastro features.