Make propagation functions higher level - poliastro/poliastro GitHub Wiki


Target: poliastro 0.6

The propagation functions (especially cowell) are too low level, some unexpected use cases have appeared and their limitations are blocking the development of low-thrust studies.


In our implementation of the Cowell method, the raw position and velocity vectors are available in each integration step:

However, there are some cases where we need to access other orbital parameters, say inside the acceleration function. For instance, this is an attempt to change the sign of the velocity when the argument of latitude reaches a certain value:

Notice how the commented-out debugging code builds the corresponding State object to access more interesting properties.


We should evaluate the impact on code and performance of having a higher level object available at each time step, and also provide a way to properly retrieve the state of an object in a sequence of times. The integrator works naturally with times and state vectors, so we could use a decorator to adapt the signatures of the objective function, the callbacks and the perturbation accelerations.

The chosen integration method, Dormand & Prince 8(5,3), "uses a 5th order error estimator and bootstraps on a 3rd order estimator to obtain a dense output of order 7". "Dense output is an interesting concept -- essentially, a dense output of a method provides a solution that can be used as a good linear interpolant for the solution everywhere between output points."

Luckily, we can use the set_solout method to add a callback to retrieve all the intermediate points, instead of sampling:

Keep in mind that this solution is only valid with the cowell propagator, as kepler only yields the final state without intermediate calculations. In fact, even if we wanted the Kepler or the naïve method to compute intermediate states too we would be forced to decide a variable step size, probably regularizing through some Sundmann transformation.

On the other hand, this integrator has no prior knowledge of the nature of the problem, so it is going to work for all cases - in a suboptimal way.

Idea: There's the possibility that, regarding propagators and types of orbits, there's no silver bullet.

More ideas

  • Implement the naïve propagator used in plotting as another analytical propagator, besides kepler
  • Propagate to a certain value of the (true) anomaly, instead of handling just the time
  • Have a high level object that can be queried at any time to retrieve any parameter?
    • Export this object as a DataFrame with certain values for easier reporting
    • Use it for plotting

Performance issues

The problem is that just instantiating an Orbit object has a huge performance cost that we cannot afford. Some possible solutions:

  • Forget about having high level objects when integrating.
  • Use mutable objects instead of creating them in every step.
  • Try something like numba.jitclass (probably it won't work) or Cython (probably it will be too much work).

⇢ The problem was that astropy.units.quantity_input is extremely slow and it was called twice. Perhaps we should remove it from *State classes (hence making them unsafe but noticeably faster). Therefore, we should remove it from all constructors and leave it only in factory methods that are clearly safe.
