Ideas on `OrbitArray` - poliastro/poliastro GitHub Wiki


Contents of 2022-01-14 community meeting:

class BaseState:
    attractor: Body
    plane: Planes

class ClassicalStateScalar(BaseState):
    def a(self):
        return self._a

class RVStateScalar(BaseState):
    def to_classical(self):
        return ClassicalState(...)

class ClassicalStateArray(ClassicalStateScalar):

class RVStateArray(RVStateScalar):
    def to_classical(self):
        return ClassicalStateArray(...)

class _BaseOrbit:
    def a(self):
        return self._state.to_classical().a

class OrbitArray(_BaseOrbit):

class Orbit(_BaseOrbit):

def print_a(something_with_a):
    print("Semimajor axis: ", something_with_a.a)

def print_mean_a(something_with_a):
    # if not insinstance(something_with_a, OrbitArray)
    # if not hasattr(some.., "len"):
    print("Mean semimajor axis: ", something_with_a.a.mean())

Email sent to Sebastian on 2022-01-15:

OrbitArray use cases

Propagate a number of orbits

See for example this code:

for cache_idx, orb_idx in enumerate(range(orb_idx_start, orb_idx_stop)):

    orb = self._orbit_from_mpc(self._data[orb_idx])
    astro_timedeltas = self._astro_times - orb.epoch
    self._cache[cache_idx, :, :] = np.transpose(propagate(
        orb, astro_timedeltas

which could be slightly rewritten as:

for cache_idx, asteroid_data in enumerate(self._data[orb_idx_start:orb_idx_stop]):

    orb = self._orbit_from_mpc(asteroid_data)
    astro_timedeltas = self._astro_times - orb.epoch
    coords = propagate(orb, astro_timedeltas)
    self._cache[cache_idx, :, :] = coords.get_xyz(xyz_axis=1).to_value(

You already noticed that there is no Orbit method for what we want here, which is why you needed to use poliastro.twobody.propagation.propagate, as explained in gh-1364.

Let's imagine that OrbitArray exists:

orbs = []
for asteroid_data in self._data[orb_idx_start:orb_idx_stop]:

# We create the OrbitArray from a sequence of Orbit objects
# (that way we don't need to duplicate every Orbit classmethod)
orbarr = OrbitArray(orbs)

# Since each orbit can have a different epoch,
# we need a 2D array of times,
# which requires some NumPy-fu
# (In your example you used np.meshgrid instead, which is equivalent)
# Notice the plural in .epochs!
astro_timedeltas = (
    np.repeat(self._astro_times[None, :], len(orbarr), axis=0)
    - orbarr.epochs[:, None]
assert astro_timedeltas.shape == (len(orbarr), len(self._astro_times))

# And now each orbit in the array gets propagated
self._cache[cache_idx:cache_idx + len(orbarr), :, :] = propagate_array(orbarr, astro_timedeltas)

For this to work, so far we only need

from attrs import define

class OrbitArray:
    orbits: list[Orbit]

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.orbits)

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.orbits)

    def epochs(self):
        return Time([orb.epoch for orb in self])

def propagate_array(
    orbit_array: OrbitArray | list[Orbit],  # Notice that a simple list of Orbit suffices for now
    timedeltas: TimeDelta
) -> CartesianRepresentation:
    # Easy implementation that does not do any parallelization or optimization
    # but retains the API
    coords_list = []
    for index, orbit in enumerate(orbit_array):
        coords_list.append(propagate(orbit, timedeltas[index]))

    # FIXME: The from_list method doesn't actually exist,
    # pseudocode for "assembly CartesianRepresentation object from the array above"
    return CartesianRepresentation.from_list(coords_list)

If we go one step further and attempt to solve gh-1364, we could add the method you propose, propagate_many. We can make it take the times instead of the timedeltas and avoid the NumPy broadcasting magic in user space:

coords = orbarray.propagate_many(self._astro_times)
self._cache[cache_idx:cache_idx + len(orbarr), :, :] = coords.get_xyz(xyz_axis=1).to_value(
At the moment, the proposed solution for [gh-1364]
involves adding a new method to `Ephem` instead,
but to simplify the discussion we can go ahead with `propagate_many`.

That looks much better! And the implementation would be something like this:

class OrbitArray:
    orbits: list[Orbit]

    def __len__(self): ...
    def __iter__(self): ...
    def epochs(self): ...

    def propagate_many(self, epochs_array: Time) -> CartesianRepresentation:
        # Easy implementation that does not do any parallelization or optimization
        assert epochs_array.ndim == 2

        coords_list = []
        for index, orbit in enumerate(self):
            coords_list.append(propagate(orbit, epochs_array[index]))

        # FIXME: The from_list method doesn't actually exist
        return CartesianRepresentation.from_list(coords_list)

This proposal:

  • Fulfills your use case
  • Makes me happy in terms of OOP design
  • Gives us a blueprint to start making propagate_many leverage multiprocessing, CUDA, whatever
  • Requires minimal changes to poliastro at least initially
  • Allows evolving more advanced container-like behavior like slicing

Things left out:

  • "Propagate an array of Orbits a different sequence of epochs for each orbit". I don't think that use case is so typical, and it force us to implement mesh-like functions. I once tried to write very smart code using np.einsum and ended up rolling it back.
  • inplace=True. To me, the line tiled_orbs.propagate_many(epochs, inplace=True) suddenly placing a matrix of data inside tiled_orbs looks quite fragile, and I don't see the advantage over doing coords = tiled_orbs.propagate_many(epochs) anyway.
  • OrbitArray.epoch. I went for .epochs inspired by Series.dtype and DataFrame.dtypes. "If the user already knows what they want", even if it breaks our loosely defined "duck typing", they might as well use a slightly different property name.
  • NumPy-like behavior of OrbitArray. As you say, this is a lot of work: both on the implementation side and on the design side (we surely can agree on what np.repeat(orbarr, 3) does, but there are plenty of NumPy functions to discuss). Still, I 100 % agree with you with not closing the door for it.

More ideas

Let's not confuse .propagate for returning a new Orbit with .propagate for returning the coordinates! poliastro own terminology makes this extremely confusing, as describes.

Also, see for a current status of astropy.units with non-NumPy data containers.

I think I see the light at the end of the tunnel:

  1. orbarray.propagate(single_instant) returns another OrbArray with modified orbits, for consistency withOrbit.propagate(single_instant). perturbations allowed as showcased inthe quickstart guide.
  2. orbarray.WHATEVER(timestamps_array) orWHATEVER(orbarray, timestamps_array) (seegh-1364 for discussion) returns aCartesianRepresentation matrix of coordinates N x M x 3 with physical units (in principle, adding the units should happen at the last step and we shouldn't carry them around, mitigating the performance impact).


  • OrbArray.propagate(single_instant, inplace=True) to be discussed at a later stage, even though I'm initially against it. in any case, it should not affect the overall design because we have to supportinplace=False as well.
  • OrbArray.propagate(timestamps_array) (which would return "an Orbit Matrix") left out for now, since in principle the use case would be covered by (2)
  • OrbArray.WHATEVER(timestamps_array, out=arr) to be discussed at a later stage, when we figure out a better way to interoperate with other containers. maybe is the answer, but probably it's just hard to do and we won't have time for it.

there's lots of possibilities here but I think if we manage to do 1 thing that works and solves a real problem, people will start actually using it and help us prioritize further development, possibly with further rounds of funding, or a GSOC student.