create deposit - pgrecm/RECM GitHub Wiki

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RECM require a deposit. A PostgreSQL database is used fo this purpose. The deposit maintain backup retention, restore point and history for all your registered PostgreSQL databases.

A deposit is mandatory. The 'create deposit' command create objects within the specified database. Be careful, the database content will be erased. It is recommended to use a dedicated database for this purpose. The command will create the database.


/usr="..." User that will be created. This will be the owner of the deposit.
/pwd="..." User password
/db="..." Database to create(or reuse)
/force Force deletion of database to have a fresh installation.
/verbose Enable more details.


The best way to create a deposit is to use a dedicated database on a PostgreSQL engine.
Requirements :

  • Choose a PostgreSQL database greater or equal to version 12.
  • Use a database name that help you to remember it's usage.
  • Don't use a database for an other usage
  • Need around 10MB per registered PostgreSQL engine, depending on the retention


RECM> connect cluster /host=;  
recm-inf: Connected to cluster 'CLU12'

RECM> create deposit /usr="d1"/pwd=########/db=recm_db2; 
recm-inf: Deposit 'CLU12' created.

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