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Web conference notes, 2021.02.04 (Joint Working Group)

Marie Maxham edited this page Jan 13, 2022 · 15 revisions

Web Conference, 2021.02.04

Joint Working Group - City Services

  • Every other week call at 9am PT / 12pm ET / 6pm CET

Conference Call Info

#red NOTE NEW ZOOM MEETING ID/LINK/PHONE! (as of Jan 1, 2021)

Meeting ID: 841 7098 9462 - Passcode 612987

One tap mobile: +19294362866,,84170989462#,,,,*612987# US (New York)

Dial by phone: +1 929 436 2866 (US) (Find your local number)


Add your own name, link, and organization during call


Main Topic : Policy

  1. Intro/Importance of Policy (Michael)
  2. Support vehicle distribution by % #618
  3. Clarify how to meet min for vehicle distribution policies #619
  4. Support utilization policies #620
  5. Better support for fee 'schedules' #621
  6. Other open policy issues


Notes and or transcript of the call with presentation, document, GitHub links and calls to action.

Policy API

  • Used in a few cities we know of, can support about half of what cities have in their policy docs, would like for it to support more.

#618 % Distribution Policy

  • Many cities don't have exact number requirements, but a percentage of total fleet. This is difficult because the number of vehicles fluctuates day to day.
  • Cities approach this in different ways such as total number from previous day, mean deployment
  • Options
    • Define a way to calculate metric and percentage
    • Leave room for free form text and don't aim for exact precision
    • Focus on what can be directly measured with MDS, but not necessarily the entire universe of a city's policy
    • Is there value in a freeform text field to at least describe/add context to a policy? Metric description.
  • Meg Baltimore uses % metric - measure in morning 6-9am, up to 35% then redistribute in afternoon before rush hour
  • How to define a metric so it’s readable in policy
  • Sometimes the details are unclear based on permit language
  • Maybe pick a time window, any time in there if the provider meets it
  • Could this be tied to direct measurements and metrics - create a definition/description/formula in Metrics and reference in Policy?

#619 minimum distribution policies

  • Perhaps introduce concept of recurrence - how often is this measured/applied? Does it only need to meet the condition once?
  • Evaluate maximum count over time - was this above the min at any point in time?
  • William - Could use rates, but question of is it each time, or for a whole day/hour, etc
  • Rate recurrence that could apply to more of the rule types. How often is the rule evaluated?
  • Evaluation is checking for compliance
  • Once the min is hit, then you know it’s good for that interval
  • Jack Reilly Vianova - Max filter over 10 hour enforcement - 5% between 8-12. Look at the previous 4 hours.
  • Could look back over a period and find the max, compare to the min, historically look to see if it’s met
  • Metrics has min over a time period. Must cross the min once. Metrics could be used.
  • What’s the sentence in English for how you define a policy in MDS
  • Ride Report offered to share their work on this

#620 Utilization

  • Even trickier since this involves two counts: trips and devices
  • Using a Metrics API could make this easier. However, some metrics may be difficult to support. What are the simplest things to be measured vs complex
  • Should we restrict Policy to rules that can be calculated via Metrics? But don’t want to replicate Metrics in policy.
  • In order of complexity: Could 1) add things into policy 2) add well established metrics 3) dynamic metrics calculations
  • Jean offered to share what Populus has been tracking policy-wise pulled from all cities

621 Fee schedules

  • GBFS has support for more complex for pricing. However, the design is intentionally more human-friendly than machine-readable.
  • Car share and e-moped programs are used to parking fee structures - does it make sense to create a parallel structure?
  • Populus works with car share and others, and they use fee tables.
  • It can be expressed with spec, but lots of new rules
  • Policy not designed for human readability but 30 rules in Policy vs a table is more complex
  • Looks messy if you put it in Policy now
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