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Upgrading to 1.0.0

Michael Schnuerle edited this page Sep 20, 2021 · 7 revisions

With the major 1.0.0 MDS release, a lot of things have changed. See the Release Plan and Release Notes for details. This guide will help you understand some of the more complicated and important changes since 0.4.1. If you have any additional questions you would like us to answer, contact us in our Discussion area, in our meetings and forums, on Twitter, or via our website contact form.

Version Naming

As of 1.0.0 we are now using proper semantic versioning. So the first 1.x.x version is a major release with breaking changes. Previously major releases were 0.4.x, 0.3.x, 0.2.x, and 0.1.x. Read more about the change.

Current Releases

OMF updates documentation and patches the last two major releases (and minor releases therein) and encourages everyone to upgrade to these. This means older releases (0.3.x, 0.2.x, and 0.1.x) are no longer recommended to use. See the MDS Release Chart, list of supported releases, and list of older release for more details.

Vehicle States and Events

Major work was done to reconcile the names of statues, vehicle states, and event types across all of MDS (Agency, Provider, Policy), and to capture more possible vehicles states and transitions that before.

  • Vehicle event types and reasons in 0.4.1
    • A table showing the values of event_type and event_type_reason and possible status values, with a state machine diagram below.
  • Vehicle states and events in 1.0.0

The field event_type is now called vehicle_state, and event_type_reason is now event_type. For Agency, status is now vehicle_state.

Provider Updates

You can use this table to see how to upgrade your old data, and how old values correspond to the new values.

The table shows previous old (0.4.1) event_type and event_type_reason values used in Provider and their new (1.0.0) vehicle_state and event_type values.

event_type event_type_reason -> vehicle_state event_type
available service_start -> available on_hours
available rebalance_drop_off -> available provider_drop_off
available maintenance_drop_off -> available maintenance
available user_drop_off -> available trip_end
available agency_drop_off -> available agency_drop_off
removed service_end -> unavailable off_hours
removed rebalance_pick_up -> removed rebalance_pick_up
removed maintenance_pick_up -> removed maintenance_pick_up
removed agency_pick_up -> removed agency_pick_up
reserved user_pick_up -> reserved reservation_start
unavailable low_battery -> non_operational battery_low
unavailable maintenance -> non_operational maintenance

Items in bold indicate a changed value.

Note this chart does not include new values created for 1.0.0, only every previous 0.4.1 value and its updated 1.0.0 value.

Agency Updates

You can use this table to see how to upgrade your old data, and how old values correspond to the new values.

The table shows previous old (0.4.1) status, event_type, and event_type_reason values used in Agency and their new (1.0.0) vehicle_state and event_type values.

status event_type event_type_reason -> vehicle_state event_type
available service_start -> available on_hours
available provider_drop_off -> available provider_drop_off
available trip_end -> available trip_end
available cancel_reservation -> available reservation_cancel
elsewhere trip_leave -> elsewhere trip_leave_jurisdiction
inactive deregister decommissioned -> removed decommissioned
inactive deregister missing -> unknown missing
removed provider_pick_up -> removed agency_pick_up
removed provider_pick_up rebalance -> removed rebalance_pick_up
removed provider_pick_up maintenance -> removed maintenance_pick_up
removed provider_pick_up charge -> removed maintenance_pick_up
removed provider_pick_up compliance -> removed compliance_pick_up
removed deregister -> removed unspecified
removed city_pick_up -> N/A N/A
reserved reserve -> reserved reservation_start
trip trip_start -> on_trip trip_start
trip trip_enter -> on_trip trip_enter_jurisdiction
unavailable service_end -> non_operational unspecified
unavailable service_end low_battery -> non_operational battery_low
unavailable service_end maintenance -> non_operational maintenance
unavailable service_end off_hours -> non_operational off_hours

Items in bold indicate a changed value.

Note this chart does not include new values created for 1.0.0, only every previous 0.4.1 value and its updated 1.0.0 value.

Note removed,city_pick_up is no longer an option.

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