#nwchem_input diamond-metropolis.nw #nwchem_output diamond-metropolis.out00 #nwchem_done diamond-metropolis.done # #transfer_files *.xyz *.ion_motion *.emotion *.fei *.cif *.hist *.gr *.dat *.meta_gaussians *.cube # #permdir diamond_metropolis_1234d #deletescratch yes #queuesave no # #machine we29676 #cputime 15:05:00 #ncpus 4 #queue regular # # title "Metropolis NPT simulation of diamond - this input is used to put the system in equilibrium" echo start diamond-metropolis #permanent_dir ./perm #scratch_dir ./perm #**** Enter the geometry using fractional coordinates **** geometry center noautosym noautoz print system crystal lat_a 3.56d0 lat_b 3.56d0 lat_c 3.56d0 alpha 90.0d0 beta 90.0d0 gamma 90.0d0 end C -0.50000d0 -0.50000d0 -0.50000d0 C 0.00000d0 0.00000d0 -0.50000d0 C 0.00000d0 -0.50000d0 0.00000d0 C -0.50000d0 0.00000d0 0.00000d0 C -0.25000d0 -0.25000d0 -0.25000d0 C 0.25000d0 0.25000d0 -0.25000d0 C 0.25000d0 -0.25000d0 0.25000d0 C -0.25000d0 0.25000d0 0.25000d0 end set nwpw:cif_filename diamond_metropolis_1234 ###### setup the nwpw gamma point code ###### set nwpw:kbpp_ray .true. set nwpw:kbpp_filter .true. set nwpw:frozen_lattice:thresh 999.0 nwpw lmbfgs ewald_rcut 3.0 ewald_ncut 8 xc pbe end task pspw energy #################################################################################### ###### setup Metropolis NPT code - input will change in a forthcoming release ###### #################################################################################### set nwpw:mc_seed 1234 # Seed for random number generator set nwpw:mc_algorithm 2 # 1-NVT; 2-NPT set nwpw:mc_aratio 0.234 # targeted acceptance ratio set nwpw:mc_ddx 0.1 # parameter used to adjust geometry dispacement to have sampling with targeted acceptance set nwpw:mc_ddv 0.1 # parameter used to adjust volume change to have sampling with targeted acceptance set nwpw:mc_temperature 300.0 # Temperature in K set nwpw:mc_step_size 0.250 # initial geometry displacement step size set nwpw:mc_volume_step 0.130 # initial volume displacement step size nwpw bo_steps 10 100 #total number of iterations = 10*100, number of iterations between step size adjustments = 10 cpmd_properties on end task pspw Metropolis