CBV3 Set up Instructions - nuageklow/backend GitHub Wiki

[CodeBuddies V3 Backend Set-up Instructions]

This wiki page includes instructions on how to set up CBV3 on your local computer. For background details please visit [README.md]


Getting Started

We recommend you run CodeBuddies locally using Docker. We assume you have Docker installed, but if not head on over to the Docker.

These instructions have been used on the following operating systems:

Steps to set up CBV3

  1. Fork this repository. This create a copy of the repository for you to work on. For more help see the Github guide Fork a repo for help if needed.

  2. Clone your fork

git clone https://github.com/codebuddies/backend cb-backend
  1. Navigate into the project directory.
cb cb-backend  
  1. Start the local dsevelopment environment.
docker-compose up -d

Notes: -d starts Docker in detached mode. See logs

To stop the CBV3 application and remove all containers, run the following:

docker-compose down