OCTAL_UTILS - ntruessel/etar GitHub Wiki

OCTAL_UTILS provides various utility functions to turn natural numbers (NATURAL) to strings and vice-versa. These functions are mainly used for ustar header writer and parser. Since most features are the same for different sized types (NATURAL_16, NATURAL_32, and NATURAL_64) this page only describes one of these and replaces the size with XX.


is_octal_formatted (a_string: READABLE_STRING_8): BOOLEAN

Returns true iff the given string matches the following regex: [0-7]*


is_octal_natural_XX_string (a_string: READABLE_STRING_8): BOOLEAN

Returns true iff the given argument represents a valid octal string that fits into XX bits. Valid octal strings only consist of the characters '0' to '7' (no minus or plus sign, no spaces).


octal_string_to_natural_16 (a_string: READABLE_STRING_8): NATURAL_XX

Parse a string representing an octal number and return its value.


natural_XX_to_octal_string (n: NATURAL_XX): STRING_8

Turn a number to its octal string representation.

Utilities and Internal Functions


natural_8_to_octal_character (n: NATURAL_8): CHARACTER_8

Turn number between 0 and 7 to its character representation ('0' to '7')


leading_zeros_count (a_string: STRING_8): INTEGER

Indicates how many zeros a_string starts with. Mainly used for the is_octal_natural_XX_string features.


pad (a_string: STRING_8; n: INTEGER)

Prepend n zero characters to a_string. Used by ustar header writer.