Iterating over a list - nth-bot/ GitHub Wiki

It is possible to iterate over a list, if we parse an input as a list, made of a first element and a rest element.

# add to list

< add {something} to {this list}
- [this list]:{content}
+ [this list]:[content] [something]
> ok

# show list

< show {this list}
* [this list]:{content}
> content: [content]

# iterate over a list

< iterate over {this list}, do {prefix}
* [this list]:{content} 
@ _list_all [content] end

# recursion

< _list_all {first} {rest}
@ [prefix] [first]
@ _list_all [rest]

# say

< say {something}
> [something]

# automate
< go
@ 1 add 1 to num
@ 2 add 2 to num
@ 3 add 3 to num
@ 4 show num
@ 5 iterate over num, do say

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