Sub project testing schedule (v3.0) - nschonni/wet-boew GitHub Wiki

Calendrier d'essai des sous projets (v3.0)

p. Starting dates for core working group testing of the WET v3.0 sub-projects.

|_.Date|_.Projects| |/7.May 11, 2012|Core framework (HTML5+CSS+jQuery)| |CSS Grid System| |GC Web Usability theme| |Menu bar| |Tabbed interface| |Web feeds widget| |Zebra striping| |/2.May 24, 2012|Archived Web page template| |Text highlighting| |June 4, 2012|Share widget| |/2.June 25, 2012|Feedback form| |Form validation| |June 26, 2012|GC intranet theme| |July 18, 2012|Expandable/collapsible content| |July 19, 2012|Language selector| |/2.July 26, 2012|Lightbox| |Slide out tab widget| |/2.July 30, 2012|Web Accessibility Assessment Methodology| |Prettify (source code)| |August 3, 2012|Charts and graphs support| |August 7, 2012|Calendar interface| |August 10, 2012|WordPress variant| |August 15, 2012|Accessible footnotes| |/2.August 17, 2012|Progress bar| |Slider control| |August 22, 2012|Multimedia player| |/3.August 23, 2012|Optimal content examples| |PHP variant| |SSI variant| |August 27, 2012|Auto-complete for text input fields| |/3.August 29, 2012|CLF 2.0 theme| |Drupal variant| |Session timeout| |September 10, 2012|Mathematical/scientific formula display|

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