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Nelson Salinas edited this page Apr 6, 2021 · 12 revisions

Ackbar Documentation

Welcome to the official documentation of Ackbar - Analysis and Corroboration of Key Biodiversity AReas.


Ackbar requires a Python >= 3.8 interpreter and several geospatial libraries: fiona, shapely, and PyProj. There are some well known issues regarding the compatibility of these libraries; to avoid most of them it is recommended to install them through Anaconda:

conda install fiona shapely pyproj

Then pip can then be used to install the program:

pip install ackbar

Note for Linux users. Installation on Linux requires a C++ compiler (or Cython) to build the extension library from source.


The program can be executed by simply typing <config-file>

or <option>

where config-file is a text file containing all the parameter values needed for the analysis, and option could be:

-i: Prints on the screen the list of taxonomic groups recommended by the IUCN for the application of criterion B.

Configuration file specification is described in the page Execution parameters.

Examples of input files can be accessed and downloaded at the Github repository of the project.


Nelson R. Salinas

Carolina Castellanos

Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt
Programa de Ciencias Básicas de la Biodiversidad
Bogotá, Colombia



This project was funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación of Colombia and the Instituto Alexander von Humboldt through a postdoctoral fellowship awarded to N. R. Salinas.