roadmap to 2.0.0 - nqzero/kilim GitHub Wiki

outstanding (packaging) issues for the 2.0.0 release or near future

first column: x means resolved, 2.0 means blocks 2.0 release, - means outstanding

x delete disruptor jar
x make java7 safe (or a java7 version)
x remove DualMirrors ???
x visitMethodInsn in, merge in asm5.interface branch
x purefiber
x remove dependence on slf4j
- merge in nilang~..nilang
x Fiber.reset()
- bimorphic PureFiber/Task benchmark
- kilim-runtime.jar wrt WeavingClassLoader (ie, self-contained)
x javadocs for Continuation
2.0 remove any of the classes above that we don't think are actively used
- more examples
2.0 release notes for 2.0
x test and document -Dkilim.class.path
x add Kilim.trampoline
x add ant testjit
- should execute(fiber) throw a "must be overridden" exception ?
- is the AsmDetector needed ? can a verifyError occur with the CCMirrors ?
- build: fat jar ?, drop the maven build, manifest entrypoint, examples and bench in kilim(-all) ?
- ExExpr now has content (is this safe ?)
- sriram as developer in pom.xml ?
2.0 contact for hedvig and nilang
- jetty integration
x maven
2.0 ok to drop the maven "build" ?
- description of versioning policy
2.0 can we live with the "Continuation" name
2.0 can we live with the "trampoline()" name
x race conditions in timerservice
x timerservice.queue capacity control
2.0 rename NioSelector
2.0 disentangle Scheduler / AffineThreadPool / timerservice
2.0 is the next version called 2.0.0 ?

implement WeavingClassLoader.getResource()