Building the Source - nplant/nplant GitHub Wiki

Our goal is to make the NPlant source very approachable and quick and easy to build. The following steps will walk you through getting the source code compiling and running locally.

Environment Assumptions

  • Modern version of Windows capable of running Visual Studio.
  • Visual Studio 2012 - any SKU should do
  • .NET 4.5
  • Modern version of the Nuget Package Manager is installed
  • Local installation of Git
  • Local installation of NAnt (download here)

PATH Assumptions

The following things are assummed to be in your Windows PATH and therefore executable from a command prompt by name only.

  • Git.exe
  • NAnt.exe
  • MSBuild.exe

Compiling Locally

  • Using NAnt, run the file found in the root of the repo like so: >>nant.exe /
  • will update the source with the latest from master, get dependencies from Nuget, compile the source via the NPlant.sln file using MSBuild.exe, and run the NUnit tests (NUnit is pulled down from Nuget)
  • Open the Visual Studio solution in the root of the repo (NPlant.sln)