Customize admintoolsmain.sqf - noxsicarius/Epoch-Admin-Tools GitHub Wiki

####Notice: All capital letters in a code block means it is something that must be modified by you.

####Script References: The first few lines are the paths to each script. If you wish to add a new script simply go to the next line and add something like this: Ex. _REFERENCE-NAME = 'player execVM "admintools\SCRIPT-DIRECTORY\SCRIPT-NAME.sqf"';

####Modify sub menus for admins and mods:

  1. Figure out which menu you want to add and be sure you are under the if for adminList or modList accordingly

  2. To add a new option follow the commented template in the file. If there is no template then follow the example below

//["DISPLAY-TXT >>", [], "#USER:MENU-NAME", -5, ["expression", ""](/noxsicarius/Epoch-Admin-Tools/wiki/"expression",-""), "1", "1"],

If you want to remove the ability for someone to use a submenu then you can just add // in front of the line or delete the line entirely.

####Adding options to the sub menu: To add an option to a sub menu:

  1. Find the menu you want to modify like AdminMenu =

  2. Copy the template comment if there is one, if not simply copy one of the other options and paste it in so you can modify it to your needs

Ex. ["DISPLAY-TXT",[],"", -5,["expression",format[_REFERENCE-NAME,"SCRIPT-NAME.sqf"](/noxsicarius/Epoch-Admin-Tools/wiki/"expression",format[_REFERENCE-NAME,"SCRIPT-NAME.sqf")],"1","1"],

To remove an option simply add // in front of the line or delete it

Do not modify the last line of the document