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Events `@Phyner#2797 event help`

Chris Seagraves edited this page Dec 25, 2020 · 2 revisions

..p embed edit 792004542064885811 .color .phyner_grey .title Watching Emojis .description When @Phyner#2797 watches for an emoji, it means it is watching when an emoji is added or removed from a message - user clicks or unclicks. This is probably most commonly used for reaction roles - user clicks an emoji and a role is added. \s .field1_name Basic Syntax .field1_value @Phyner#2797 watch emoji <emoji> <message_id> [#channel] <action> <action_id/mention ...> [action_extra]

emoji - the emoji to watch for message_id - the message where emoji is added/removed #channel - necessary if the message is in a different channel than the current one action - what @Phyner#2797 is going to do upon reaction add/remove action_id/mention - the ids/mentions that @Phyner#2797 will use to complete this action - like if the action is add_role, then an action_mention would be the @role action_extra - necessary for some actions like creating_private_text_channel where it it is used for setting the channel name template \s .field2_name Available Actions .field2_value 1️⃣ add/remove_role - reaction role functionality :two: create_private_text_channel - clones a channel's/category's permissions, then and adds user to that channel

..p embed edit 792012710753206292 .color .phyner_grey .title Event Action: add/remove_role .description In simple terms, user clicks emoji, role is added - removed if un-clicked.

@Phyner#2797 watch emoji <emoji> <message_id> [#channel] add/remove_role <role_id/mention ...>

Example: Adding roles named Verified and Supporter when a ✅ is clicked on a message in a channel called #roles.

@Phyner#2797 watch emoji :white_check_mark: 792004542064885811 #role-add add_role @Verified @Supporter :9b9c9f: Pro-tip: to avoid role pings, either use role_ids (@phyner ids), or do the command without them, then edit the message when your told to add them.