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Embeds `@Phyner#2797 embed help`

Chris Seagraves edited this page Dec 23, 2020 · 2 revisions

@Phyner#2797 embed help

..p embed edit 791229980326625290 .color .phyner_grey .title Embed Help .description What kind of help would you like with embeds?

✏️ Creating and Editing 💾 Saving and Sending 📋 Copying and Replacing \s .field1_name All Embed Commands .field1_value ``` @Phyner#2797 embed create [set_embed_attributes] @Phyner@2797 embed edit <message_id> [#channel] [set_embed_attributes]

@Phyner#2797 embed save <message_id> [#channel] [embed_name] @Phyner#2797 embed saved @Phyner#2797 embed send [embed_name] [#channel]

@Phyner#2797 embed convert <message_id/embed_name> [#channel]

@Phyner#2797 copy <message_id> [#channel] [#destination] @Phyner#2797 replace <message_id> [#channel] <replacement_message_id> [#replacement_location]


..p embed edit 791233718299656232
.description In simple terms, this is an embed message. This embed has attributes - like title, description, and color. With the `embed create` and `embed edit` commands, you can set virtually every attribute of an embed message.
.field1_name Syntax
.field1_value ```@Phyner#2797 embed create [set embed attributes]
@Phyner#2797 embed edit <message_id> [#channel] [set embed attributes]```
.field2_name Editable Attributes
.field2_value ```
.\zcolor, .\zcolour << basic colors (red, blue, ...), hexes (c0c0c0), or role ids (789570562804154389)




.\zfield#_inline << ex. field2_inline false

.field3_name Creating an Embed
.field3_value ```..p embed create .\zcolor red
.\ztitle This Embed has a red stripe.```
.field4_name Editing an Embed
.field4_value When editing an embed, you should feel free to edit your existing `embed create` message and remove attributes as needed. These command messages can get long so nothing will get deleted unless you use `.\zempty` after setting the attribute, like `.description .\zempty` will delete your description.
```..p embed edit 791233718299656232 .\zcolor blue
.\zdescription Previously, the embed's color was red, but now it's blue.
```So, if you were editing the embed above, the title would remain the same, the color would be blue, and there would be a description, too.
.field5_name Special Characters
.field5_value ```
\\zs - space character
\\zz - zero-width character
\\zb - bullet point

Using these special characters in your command will insert the actual character into the embed. The \\zs is probably the most useful as discord trims the beginning and ends of each attribute - removing any regular spaces or blank lines. However, if you use \zs, discord will only trim up to that point.