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Discord IDs `@Phyner#2797 ids`

Chris Seagraves edited this page Dec 23, 2020 · 1 revision

@Phyner#2797 ids

..p embed edit 789588990360551434 .color .phyner_grey .title Discord IDs .description Profile Settings ⚙️ >> Appearance >> Developer Mode >> ✅

Now right click or hold this message... You can now Copy ID. You can do this for various things in discord to get their IDs - like Users, Channels, Categories, Messages, etc.

For some of @Phyner#2797's commands, you will need to use an ID.

**Example: ** @Phyner#2797 copy <message_id> [#message_location] [#destination]

Copying a message in the current channel to an #announcements channel

You would right-click the message you want to copy, copy its ID, then use that ID in the command, so your command could look like this:

@Phyner#2797 copy 789527145440870402 #Announcments