Crowd Funding Video Script - nortonimperiallabs/nortonimperiallabs GitHub Wiki

Proposed structure #1:

Part 1) A Norton-style proclamation for the building of a hacker space

Part 2) An interview-style overview

Proposed structure #2:

Part 1) A narrative where Norton created a secret research lab with instructions to come out of the shadows and defrost his clone one year after the completion of both the bay bridge and tunnel (or some-such)

A Norton-style proclamation

Whereas, it is our pleasure to acquiesce in all means of civilization and population: Now, therefore, we do order and direct first, that a hacker space be constructed upon San Francisco, where by [...]

Interview-style overview

This should provide a high level overview of what NIL is, why it should exist, and why it needs donations

What is a "hacker space"?

Answer is short, 1-2 sentences

  • "a community-operated workspace where people with common interests can meet, socialize and/or collaborate." - wikipedia

Why does San Francisco need another hacker space?

  • The choices for hacker spaces are limited
  • We want to grow an integral community, in a safe and accessible location

What does a hacker space provide to the local community? ( please define community - who should be involved)

  • members can access the place anytime ( how to get in, how to ensure the safety and common property using personal card??)
  • Anyone can visit the space for free and use the facilities during other open hours/other circumstances ( when is open hours)
  • Workshops to teach socially relevant skills
  • Space and tools to facilitate learning, experimentation, and the manifesting of ideas

Why does NIL need your donation / Where does the money go?

  • We need money to put down a deposit, pay the first month of rent

Unorganized stuff:

NIL is founded by hacker, thinkers and creators who are based in San Francisco who want a better place for the local community and many others who have the similar mindsets.

New and Fresh: better location
Safety: in-person interviews for membership ( who to conduct, how and why this is a better way to enhance the community integrity, experience and collaboration (if needed)) - "NIL strives for community integrity"
Connection and Solitude: We want the right people to join the community, and we want the space to help people make a deep connection with the people you are interested in - only if you wanted to. You have your right to choose to just enjoy some quite time to space out.(I do!)
Better Facility: We work out a plan for people who want to do more than "in your backyard with your BBQ grill" by providing tools, space, instructors, and assistance.
Local community engagement: (Not sure about this yet).

What do you plan to do in this new space? (Should have personalized answers)

  • I want to work in a better-organized place - clean, tidy, nice set-up and ready to use
  • I want to meet like-minded people - without worrying my personal safety
  • I want to give a workshop and share my idea - and find people who want to help with my ideas
  • I want to build guitars - and i want tools in tool boxes with labels that not lying around on my apartment floor everywhere
  • We provide laser cutter machine, 3D printer and such. Those amazing tools will maximize your productivity - and we maintain its regular use and provide instructions - hassle free.
  • The internet in my apartment sucks, and my coffee machine is broken - i want to work more efficiently with bluebottle/sightglass/stumpton coffee within my reach - or M&Ms if I need a sugar boost
  • The environment is relaxing yet productive - there are areas for members to work in ROBOT-mode and relax like a cat ( please get a set of lounge chair - i have a set of ikea poang that i don't mind donate :-> - as long as i can sleep on it and it's cleaned regularly(it's white!)- viv)