2013 12 09 - nortonimperiallabs/nortonimperiallabs GitHub Wiki

NortonBridge , 12092013 Meeting

  • John McAffee to be appointed president in absentia.


  • rrix
  • robbiet480
  • asmallteapot
  • StrangeCharm
  • the_merlin
  • niacin
  • blueminder
  • (badg arrives late)

Naming Discussion

  • Norton's Imperial Labs brought to discussion
    • Bikeshedding starts focusing on an apostrophe

Concerns that the 's is unnecessary or confusing. Bikeshedding ensues Name decided on Norton Imperial Lab by a vote of 4-3


We have a site

#sfnil on freenode

Ryan promised to bring up a wiki and mailing list over the weekend, did not follow through on that, beatings will commence until his morale improves SPIFF update coming soon, SPIFF developer currently working on rewrite and bugfix release

Mailing list is a good thing, as long as actionable items are not coming from the mailing list, but from AFK

MediaWiki is the least-bad option of wikisoftware. Google Sites brought forward as a possible option, but we'd like to self host.

Robbie suggests single sign on provided by GitHub. StrangeCharm counters with LDAP, worries that Spiff's openID plugin may bring in issues.

Github OAuth for SSO is preferred 5-3 in vote

Discussion surrounding saving up for a big space, v. moving in to a small space to grow out of.

small space == hard to move out of, etc. Faster we start the faster we get
tools and stuff big space == awesome blank canvas

Do we want to be a 501c3?

Doing 501c3 is a pain in the ass, time to get

the recommendation letter is a pain, and that shouldn't keep us from Doing Good Things(tm). Have another space sponsor us? Al Billings suggest talking to the AMT board if we want to be a 501c3. Can prove to be constraining

0 votes for persuing a 501c3, some interest in a California NonProfit status, if only so that we aren't "random shady nonprofit"

  • Incorporate an LCC
  • When that shows up, file for California nonprofit

Discussion regarding whether we want to end up in Delaware or California? Big benefit towards having everything in California for small income things like hackerspaces

  • Business registraton of Norton's Imperial Lab, LLC
  • Robbie will be contacting his lawyer regarding our filing for free work and counsel services, bylaw review, etc.

Brief discussion on Robbie's friend's startup oneRFP, who helps manage building infra offered service to NIL Formal Space Reqs ---------- No ties present, currently donning scarves.

  • Tenderloin space still available, some windows not yet broken, may still have copper in the building, 281 Ellis
  • Potrero space no longer available

Badg worked at casewestern makerspace ("think[box]"); felt that 4500sqft was a reasonable space for a few years' growth

rrix notes that HeatSync Labs fit a tonne of stuff in 2500 square feet without any real contention walkthrough.

seems like 2750$ is a good rent zone assuming 30 members paying 100$ a month, StrangeCharm recommends frontloading funds using a fundraising campaign or so for pre-paid memberships

Comfortable with funding ~3000sqft to start with. 24$/ft/year on 42floors at 3000sqft spaces, which works out to 6000$ a month.

Suggestion of raising on Crowdtilt/Kickstarter and figure out what kind of space we can afford to grow in to from that. We'll need a slick video. Rewards include membership as well as recognition, tchotchkes, etc.

Robbie suggests moving forward on LLC as soon as possible, file with expedite, and have the prospective membership pay back whomever files it (StrangeCharm?) 70$/filing, +250$ for ten day expedite (if necessary!?)

  • Please bring 10$ to the next meeting. StrangeCharm will be filing for LLC paperwork.

Max to be Service of Process, Tom to be LLC address

Robbie suggests getting back three signed and stamped copies at minimum.

Big discussion on whether we want to be a Corp or LLC, we decided on LLC.


No one will be bikeshedding the bylaws at the current meeting, they will be written seperately and brought to bikeshed over at the next meeting.

Final Thoughts

San Francisco Fire Credit Union, bank account goes there once we get a company, Tom and Max will be signing officers

Bylaws meeting next monday 16 Dec, next meeting after that 6 January 2014. Space to be arranged, meetings at 19:00.

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