Upgrade Openbravo POS 2.30.2 to NORD POS - nordpos/nordpos GitHub Wiki

Upgrade Apache Derby DB For Linux

  1. First step, you need download binary package.
$ wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/nordpos/files/app-platform/nordpos-3.0.0CE-linux-binary.tar.gz
  1. Extract the contents of the package to home folder.
$ tar -xvzf nordpos-3.0.0CE-linux-binary.tar.gz
  1. Create the database folder for Apache Derby Network Server.
$ mkdir ~/.derby-db
  1. Copy Openbravo POS 2.30.2 database to the database folder.
$ cp -avr ~/openbravopos-database ~/.derby-db
  1. Run configuration of NORD POS.
$ cd ./nordpos-3.0.0CE
$ ./configure.sh
  1. Set database link jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/openbravopos-database, user name APP and password app.

Database Config

  1. Save configuration change and start NORD POS.
$ ./start.sh
  1. Allow database upgrade.

Database upgrade

  1. After complete upgrade script, you will be get a new NORD POS with your Openbravo POS database.


Openbravo POS 2.30.2
