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Migrating from v1.2.x to v1.3.x

Nikolay Demyankov edited this page Apr 25, 2016 · 1 revision

If you are not using min_native_interface in your chcp.json - you can ignore this section. Everyone else - please, keep reading.

In the previous versions of the plugin min_native_interface was compared with the code (build) version of the application. But that approach had the two main problems:

  1. When building for Android - Cordova manipulates with versionCode preference, what could lead to unexpected behaviour.
  2. In iOS CFBundleVersion is a string, so you could define it like 1.2.3, while plugin expects it to be a number.

To avoid these problems in the future - new preference was added to the plugin. It will now use <native-interface version="some_number" />, that you define in config.xml of your project. As a result, if chcp.json has a min_native_interface preference - it will be compared with <native-interface /> from the config.xml.

So, if you updating to v1.3.0 and using min_native_interface - don't forget to define <native-interface /> in project's config.xml.

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