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nongiach edited this page Jun 5, 2018 · 8 revisions

arm_now 1.2

arm_now 1.2
arm_now is smarter he remembers which cpu arch you used, just type arm_now start.
arm_now resize resizes the filesystem.
arm_now offline downloads everything, so you can fully work offline
Opkg package manager is preinstalled when available.
gdb, gdbserver, and strace are preinstalled on the common arch.
A better usage message using docopt instead of clize.
Fix against MITM attack, http => full https package manager.


  arm_now list [--all]
  arm_now start [<arch>] [--clean] [-s|--sync] [--offline] [--autostart=<script>] [--add-qemu-options=<options>] [--real-source] [--redir=<port>]... 
  arm_now clean
  arm_now resize <new_size> [--correct]
  arm_now install [<arch>] [--clean] [--real-source]
  arm_now show
  arm_now offline
  arm_now -h | --help
  arm_now --version
  list          List all available images for all cpu.
  start         Start a vm with a <arch> cpu. (default: armv5-eabi)
  resize        Resize the current rootfs. (example: resize 1G)
  clean         Delete the current rootfs.
  install       Download, install and config a rootfs for the given <arch>. (default: armv5-eabi)
  show          Show informations about the rootfs.
  offline       Donlowad all rootfs and kernel so arm_now can be fully runned offline.
  --sync                        Synchronize the current directory with the vm home.
  --redir protocol:host::guest  Redirect the host port to the guest (example: --redir tcp:8000::80)
  --clean                       Clean the current image before starting.
  --add-qemu-options=<options>  Add options to qemu-system-<arch>.
                     (example: --add-qemu-options="-sandbox on" to Enable seccomp mode 2 system call filter )
  --autostart=<script>          At startup <script> is uploaded and executed inside the vm.
  --syncpath=<path>             Synchronize the <path> directory with the vm home.
  --syncroot=<path>             Synchronize the <path> directory with the vm root.
                            (Only if you need to modify the linux vm config)
  --offline                     Start with zero internet request.
  --correct                     Correct the filesystem after resize.
  -h --help                     Show this screen.
  --version                     Show version.