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Special features for JavaScript configuration files

Mark Stosberg edited this page Aug 4, 2023 · 9 revisions

Files ending in .js and .cjs (as of 3.4.0) are loaded and run as a CommonJS JavaScript module. The module must export the configuration object. Some folks appreciate the ability to compute configurations, others feel it's not the right thing to do. It's nice to live in a world with choice.

JavaScript modules support the ability to have "deferred" and "raw" values.

Loading files as ESM is not yet supported. So .mjs or .js when "type":"module" or --experimental-modules will not work.

Deferred values in JavaScript configuration files

In the JavaScript modules you have the option to define a configuration value as a function whose resolution will be deferred until the final merged configuration structure is built.

For example, you set up a default value for a "full name" that is calculated from "first name" and "last name" values which will be provided a config file which overrides the defaults.


// In default.js
// using defer functions is optional. See example and docs below.
var defer = require('config/defer').deferConfig;

module.exports = {
  firstName : undefined,
  lastName: undefined,
  fullName : defer(function ()  {
    return this.firstName+' '+this.lastName;

Then in config/production.js:

module.exports = {
   firstName : "Jane",
   lastName: "Doe",

Because the resolution of fullName is deferred, it would resolve to refer to the overridden first and last name.

The use of ECMAScript 5 getters in JavaScript configurations is not supported. Using deferred configuration values is the recommended alternative.

Using process.stdout and other objects in JavaScript config files

There may be instances where you would like to place a complex object like process.stdout into your configuration file, e.g. logging configuration. But node-config achieves its useful functionality by modifying the config object prototypes then making them immutable - not ideal for process.stdout! But you can still achieve the goal by using the raw functionality like so:

const raw = require('config/raw').raw;

module.exports = {
  logOutputStream: raw(process.stdout)

Promises and async functions

If you would like to resolve a config value asychronously, see asyncConfig for that.

Note you'll need to call resolveAsyncConfigs() before the first call to config.get() because the config object becomes immutable at that time.

Including other files

If you'd like to include values from another file in JavaScript, no special syntax is required--the full features of Node.js are already available!

config = {
      // Load credit configs externally
    credit: JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('./currentCreditPolicy.json'))