Page Index - mxunit/mxunit GitHub Wiki
129 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- Quick Links
- Support
- Committers
- Adding MXUnit Snippets To CFEclipse
- Adding MXUnit Snippets To CFEclipse and ColdFusion Builder
- Adobe MAX 2010 ColdFusion Skunkworks
- Advanced Configuration
- Advanced Stuff
- Advanced Testing (TDD Kung Fu!)
- Amazon EC2 Security Groups
- Anatomy of a TestCase
- Another page
- Ant Task Doc
- Argument Matching
- Automation
- Automation with Jenkins Continuous Integration Server
- Blog Feeds
- Built In Assertions
- CFMeetupEclipseProductivity
- CFObjective 2010 Continuous Integration with Hudson, ANT, and MXUnit
- CFObjective 2011 Continuous Integration
- CFObjective 2011 ORM Zen
- code syntax highlighter test
- Configure and Test the Plugin
- Continuous Integration Advanced Notification Control
- Continuous Integration ANT The Glue between Jenkins and your Tests
- Continuous Integration Failing builds for failing tests
- Continuous Integration Getting Started
- Continuous Integration Running tests with Jenkins
- Continuous Integration Setting up Notifications
- Continuous Integration Starting and Stopping Windows services in your build
- Continuous Integration Using git as your SCM
- Copy and Paste from Web Site
- Creating a Custom HTTPAntRunner.cfc
- Creating a Mock
- Creating an AWS Account
- Creating an EC2 ColdFusion AMI
- Creating Test Suites
- Custom Assertions
- DAO Test Adapter Pattern
- Data driven testing with MXUnit dataproviders
- Data Type Matching
- Debugging Mocks
- Defining a Mock's Behaviour
- Developer Info
- Docs
- Documentation
- Eclipse Plugin
- Eclipse Plugin Install
- Eclipse Plugin FAQ
- Eclipse Plugin Keyboard Shortcuts
- Eclipse Plugin Tips and Tricks
- Eclipse Plugin Troubleshooting
- Features & Engine Support Info
- First Test Case
- Get Started
- Getting Started
- Getting Started More Test Cases
- Getting Started Setting up your Tests Directory
- Getting Started Test Suites
- Getting the source code
- Hi, I'm Marc
- How cfcomponent output"true" can affect memory consumption
- How cfcomponent outputtrue can affect memory consumption
- How cfloop query killed a ColdFusion server
- How cfloop query"" can affect memory consumption
- How cfloop query"" killed a ColdFusion server
- How to use it
- How to...
- Injecting a Mock into a Component Under Test
- Install MXUnit
- Install the Eclipse Plugin
- Installation Requirements
- Known Issues and things to look out for
- Launching you first EC2 Instance
- Launching your ColdFusion AMI as a new Instance
- Launching your first EC2 Instance
- Message First Assertions (CFUnit Style)
- Mocking
- Mocking and Stubbing
- More Test Cases
- MXUnit Blog Posts The Newest Hotness
- MXUnit Documentation
- MXUnit Installation
- MXUnit Installation Video
- MXUnit TestResult Output Formats
- Ordered Verification
- Other ColdFusion Stuff
- Presentations, Talks, and Meetups
- Proposed Structure
- Recommended Reading on Testing
- Release Notes
- RIAUnleashed 2010 Introduction to MongoDB for CFML Developers
- Running a single method in a test
- Running Adobe ColdFusion on Amazon EC2
- Running directories of tests
- Running your Tests under the Application Scope Custom RemoteFacades
- sandbox
- Screencast Using MXUnit and Ant for Build,Test, and Integration Automation 8 min.
- Selective Verification
- Setting up your Tests Directory
- setUp and tearDown
- Simple Test Scheduling
- Stubbing
- TDD Example Fixing a bug in the plugin
- TDD Example Implementing New Functionality
- Test Decorators
- Test Page
- Test Private Methods
- Testing Basics
- Testing MXUnit
- TestResult Output Formats
- Tutorials
- Using External Mocking Frameworks
- Using injectMethod for simple mocking
- Using injectProperty for simple property overrides
- Using MXUnit
- Using request.debug()
- Using the Ant Task to Generate JUnit Reports
- Using the Eclipse Plugin
- Verification
- View Debug Output
- viewdebugoutput
- What to put in your tests (Assertion Patterns)
- Who Uses MXUnit
- Why MXUnit
- Wildcard Pattern Matching
- Writing Custom Assertions