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UBL versions

Miguel Risco-Castillo edited this page Mar 29, 2023 · 6 revisions

Binaries with UBL in their filename have support for Marlin Unified Bed Leveling, this system is similar to the bilinear leveling but with a few extra features to provide users with more control. There are multiple guides on the web about UBL, we recommend reading about it before using this new leveling system.

If you are using UBL and you have M501 in your start G-code script then remove it, that G-code will clear the UBL mesh data, so if you use M420 S1 to enable leveling you will have a mesh with all points in 0.

Note: If you used to have a G29 after G28 in your start g-code script with the ABL firmware version, change it to G29 P1 to run a new auto leveling mesh.

The UBL system enables more options on the Mesh Leveling Menu