# Overview # The USB2Serial debugging board allows you to watch the [serial port](https://github.com/mist-devel/mist-board/wiki/Troubleshooting#RS232) debug output of the ARM IO Controller. This is useful mainly for development and debugging, but may also help to trace problems. ![https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiki/mist-devel/mist-board//serial_connected.jpg](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiki/mist-devel/mist-board/serial_connected.jpg) The USB2Serial board connected to a V1.2 pre-production board. **Note** An alternative to this board is to get a USB to TTL cable [like this one](https://www.adafruit.com/product/954), leaving the 5V pin unconnected but wiring TX to pin 4, RX to pin3, and ground to pin 1 (resp. white, green, black wires, with pin 1 being close to the edge). # Schematic # The board connects via SV3 to the ARM IO Controller debug connector of the MIST board V1.2 or V1.3. ![https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiki/mist-devel/mist-board/usb2serial_schematic.png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiki/mist-devel/mist-board/usb2serial_schematic.png) [Schematic(PDF)](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiki/mist-devel/mist-board/usb2serial_schematic.pdf) # Printed Circuit Board # The board plugs directly into the MIST V1.2 or V1.3 (the first series board) board. Previous development boards came with rs232 transceivers and don't need this addon. ![https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiki/mist-devel/mist-board/usb2serial_pcb.png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiki/mist-devel/mist-board/usb2serial_pcb.png) [Board(PDF)](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiki/mist-devel/mist-board/usb2serial_pcb.pdf) # Debugging # The communication parameters are 115200 bit/s 8N1. ![https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiki/mist-devel/mist-board/serial_pcb.jpg](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiki/mist-devel/mist-board/serial_pcb.jpg) An example debug output will look like this: ``` Minimig by Dennis van Weeren ARM Controller by Jakub Bednarski Version ATH130522 SDHC card detected spiclk: 24 MHz usb_init max3421e_init() Chip revision: 13 busprobe() usb_reset_state partition type: 0x72 (FAT16) fat_size: 240 fat_number: 2 fat_start: 263 root_directory_start: 743 dir_entries: 512 data_start: 775 cluster_size: 32 cluster_mask: FFFFFFE0 file "CORE RBF" found FPGA bitstream file opened, file size = 367568 [***********************] FPGA bitstream loaded FPGA configured in 857 ms Identified MiST core Running mist setup file "SYSTEM FNT" not found Uploading TOS ... file "TOS IMG" found TOS.IMG: size = 196607 WARNING: Unexpected TOS size! blocks = 383 address = $00fc0000 Uploading: [................................................] TOS.IMG uploaded in 231 ms (851 kB/s / 6808 kBit/s) Erasing cart memory file "DISK_A ST " found A: eject A: insert DISK_A ST A: detected 2 sides with 9 sectors per track file "DISK_B ST " not found file "HARDDISKHD " not found => CONDETIRQ busprobe() => BUSEVENTIRQ usb_configure(parent=0 port=0 lowspeed=0) using free entry at 0 Setting addr 1 usb_set_addr(new=1) usb_ctrl_req(addr=0, len=0, ptr=0x0) trying to init class 0 usb_hub_init() usb_ctrl_req(addr=1, len=8, ptr=0x20ff28) usb_ctrl_req(addr=1, len=18, ptr=0x20ff28) usb_ctrl_req(addr=1, len=8, ptr=0x20ff28) usb_ctrl_req(addr=1, len=9, ptr=0x20ff28) usb_ctrl_req(addr=1, len=0, ptr=0x0) usb_ctrl_req(addr=1, len=0, ptr=0x0) usb_ctrl_req(addr=1, len=0, ptr=0x0) usb_ctrl_req(addr=1, len=0, ptr=0x0) usb_ctrl_req(addr=1, len=0, ptr=0x0) -> accepted :-) ```