Page Index - microsoft/vscode-jupyter GitHub Wiki
84 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- Welcome to the Jupyter Extension for VS Code Wiki!
- FAQ and Troubleshooting
- Accessing Jupyter Kernels from 3rd party extensions
- Build Champion
- Coding Guidelines
- Component: IPyWidgets
- Connecting to a remote Jupyter server from or
- Debugging the extension
- Errors that code can throw
- Experiments
- Extensibility for other extensions
- Extension API
- Failed to execute a cell as the Kernel Session has been disposed
- Failure to start Kernel as
module used by Jupyter could be outdated - Failure to start Kernel due to built in modules being overridden by user code
- Failure to start kernel due to failures in importing modules
- Failure to start kernel due to failures in importing modules from files
- Failure to start kernel due to failures in loading Dlls
- Failure to start kernel due to failures related to pyzmq module
- Failure to start kernel due to failures related to win32api module
- Failure to start kernel due to missing package pip
- Failure to start Kernel due to Modules not installed
- Failure to start kernel due to the use of outdated IPyKernel module
- Failure to start kernel due to the use of outdated IPython module
- Failure to start kernel when using Conda Environments
- FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
- Finding the code that is causing high CPU load in production
- General overview of Kernel Discovery & Execution in Jupyter (& extension)
- How debuggers work
- How interactive debugging works (old way)
- How notebook debug cell works
- How notebook run by line works
- How python debugging works
- How to debug the debugger
- How to install from VSIX on VS Code when using Remote SSH
- How to test Azure AML Widgets
- How variables are fetched
- Import Export
- Install and Setup Jupyter Notebook Lab for Testing
- Installing Jupyter
- Installing Python packages in Jupyter Notebooks
- Integration Tests
- Intellisense for notebooks
- Intellisense for notebooks (old way)
- Introducing Native Notebooks
- IPyKernel & other dependencies are installed, yet I am asked to install these dependencies
- IPyKernel and other dependencies are not installed
- IPyWidget Architecture Challenges
- IPyWidget Support in VS Code Python
- Iteration Plan for August 2021
- Jupyter Kernel API Access
- Jupyter Kernels and the Jupyter Extension
- Kernel Completions
- Kernel crashes
- Kernel crashes when using fastparquet
- Kernel crashes when using ibm db
- Kernel crashes when using numpy
- Kernel crashes when using tensorflow
- Kernel Discovery (architecture)
- Kernel Execution
- Kernels (Architecture)
- Kernels fail to start as ports are blocked
- Language support for notebook and interactive window
- Loading Kernels from insecure directories
- Module Dependencies
- Profiling
- Raw vs Jupyter Kernels
- React WebViews: Variable Viewer, Plot Viewer, and Data Viewer
- Resolving Component Governance and Dependabot issues (updating package lock.json)
- Setting Up Run by Line and Debugging for Notebooks
- Setup for testing Jupyter Notebooks
- Source Code Organization
- Terminology
- Tests
- Tips for Wiki Editing
- Troubleshooting (WIP)
- Troubleshooting Jupyter issues in the Python Interactive Window or Notebook Editor
- Unit Tests
- Upgrading Node directions
- Using %matplotlib widget instead of %matplotlib notebook,tk,etc
- Using the jupyterlab services API
- Using unsupported Python Environments
- Verify you are on the latest version of VS Code and Jupyter extension