1.12 Schema configuration - mickelus/tetra GitHub Wiki

Schemas define which materials and tools are required to craft a specific module for a specific slot. Available schemas are defined in json files located in the modules resource folder.

Each schema configuration file can be replaced by placing a file with the same name in the config folder. E.g. heavy_blade.json can be replaced by creating the file config/tetra/schemas/sword/heavy_blade.json in the minecraft folder.

The schema configuration files contain arrays of json objects, each object describe a separate schema. For more details about the fields of a schema, see SchemaDefinition.java and OutcomeDefinition.java or take a look at the json files in the schema configurations folder for examples.

When adding a new schema the following assets have to be created/updated:

  • Localization entries matching the schema key (schema name, schema description and a label for each material slot)