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Version 4 Migration

MaceWindu edited this page Mar 2, 2022 · 17 revisions

If you cannot find answer to your migration-related question here, ask it here and we will update document with missing details.

T4 Changes

Due to changes to DataConnection API existing T4 models could produce compilation errors if stored procedures were generated for model. To resolve it you need to re-generate model using T4 templates.

Migration to Interceptors

In v4 release we replace multiple existing events, delegates, properties and static settings that piled up along time with iterceptors infrastructure. Interceptor is an instance of class, that implements one or multiple interceptor interfaces with events. It is registered in Linq To DB (usually in DataConnection or DataContext instance) and called when one of events, defined on interceptor is triggered.

Supporting interceptors on DataContext level also allows user to use events, previously available only on DataConnection level.

For basic information and list of implemented interceptors check release notes frist.

Functionality, replaced by interceptors

Note that some functionality, provided by interceptors previously was available only on specific implementation (usually DataConnection). With interceptors applied to all types of contexts now you can use it also with other contexts like DataConext.

Removed Replacement Notes
DataConnection.OnBeforeConnectionOpen event IConnectionInterceptor.ConnectionOpening interceptor
DataConnection.OnBeforeConnectionOpenAsync event IConnectionInterceptor.ConnectionOpeningAsync interceptor
DataConnection.OnConnectionOpened event IConnectionInterceptor.ConnectionOpened interceptor
DataConnection.OnConnectionOpenedAsync event IConnectionInterceptor.ConnectionOpenedAsync interceptor
DataConnection.OnClosed event IDataContextInterceptor.OnClosed interceptor
IDataContextInterceptor.OnClosedAsync interceptor
IDataContext.OnClosing event IDataContextInterceptor.OnClosing interceptor
IDataContextInterceptor.OnClosingAsync interceptor
DataConnection.LastParameters field ICommandInterceptor.CommandInitialized interceptor
or for one-time use
OnNextCommandInitialized method
As this field used excessively by T4 for stored procedure wrappers, T4 model requires regeneration
DataConnection.Command field ICommandInterceptor.CommandInitialized interceptor
or for one-time use
OnNextCommandInitialized method
IDbCommandProcessor interface
+DbCommandProcessorExtensions class
ICommandInterceptor interceptor
IEntityServices interface
+EntityCreatedEventArgs class
IEntityServiceInterceptor.EntityCreated interceptor
MiniProfiler (or other wrapper) converters registration in MappingSchema IUnwrapDataObjectInterceptor interceptor

Migration from ADO.NET interfaces

Linq To DB replaced support of ADO.NET interfaces (listed below) with corresponding asbstract classes. Technically, even in v3 you can work with those interfaces only if they belong to class, inherited from corresponding abstract class.

  • IDataReader and IDataRecord -> DbDataReader class
  • IDataRecord -> DbDataReader
  • IDbCommand -> DbCommand
  • IDbDataParameter -> DbParameter
  • IDbConnection -> DbConnection
  • IDbTransaction -> IDbTransaction

In most of cases compiler will give you error if you try to pass interface instead of class, but there are several cases where you need to change your code.

Connection wrappers (e.g. MiniProfiler) configuration

If you used MiniProfiler or any other tool that use connection wrappers, you need to update your integration code. Previously integration were done using convert expressions registration in mapping schema. Now you should use IUnwrapDataObjectInterceptor for it.

// V3: MiniProfiler unwrap converters registration
MappingSchema.SetConvertExpression<ProfiledDbConnection,  IDbConnection> (db => db.WrappedConnection);
MappingSchema.SetConvertExpression<ProfiledDbDataReader,  IDataReader>   (db => db.WrappedReader);
MappingSchema.SetConvertExpression<ProfiledDbTransaction, IDbTransaction>(db => db.WrappedTransaction);
MappingSchema.SetConvertExpression<ProfiledDbCommand,     IDbCommand>    (db => db.InternalCommand);

// V4: interceptor
public class UnwrapProfilerInterceptor : UnwrapDataObjectInterceptor
    // as interceptor is thread-safe, we will create
    // and use single instance of it
    public static readonly IInterceptor Instance = new UnwrapProfilerInterceptor();

	public override DbConnection UnwrapConnection(IDataContext dataContext, DbConnection connection)
		return connection is ProfiledDbConnection c ? c.WrappedConnection : connection;

	public override DbTransaction UnwrapTransaction(IDataContext dataContext, DbTransaction transaction)
		return transaction is ProfiledDbTransaction t ? t.WrappedTransaction : transaction;

	public override DbCommand UnwrapCommand(IDataContext dataContext, DbCommand command)
		return command is ProfiledDbCommand c ? c.InternalCommand : command;

	public override DbDataReader UnwrapDataReader(IDataContext dataContext, DbDataReader dataReader)
		return dataReader is ProfiledDbDataReader dr ? dr.WrappedReader : dataReader;

// check interceptors documentation to find out alternative ways to register interceptor
Custom data reader expressions

If you had custom data reader expressions configured on data provider, you need to replace uses of IDataReader with DbDataReader

// V3
provider.SetProviderField<IDataReader, TimeSpan,DateTime>(
    (r,i) => r.GetDateTime(i) - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1));
// V4
provider.SetProviderField<DbDataReader, TimeSpan,DateTime>(
    (r,i) => r.GetDateTime(i) - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1));

// V3
provider.SetToType<IDataReader,sbyte,int>("INTEGER", (r, i) => unchecked((sbyte)r.GetInt32(i)));
// V4
provider.SetToType<DbDataReader,sbyte,int>("INTEGER", (r, i) => unchecked((sbyte)r.GetInt32(i)));

// V3
provider.SetField<IDataReader,long>((r,i) => r.GetInt64(i));
// V4
provider.SetField<DbDataReader,long>((r,i) => r.GetInt64(i));

Code removals

  • bool Configuration.Linq.AllowMultipleQuery setting removal: this setting had no effect in v3 already so you can just remove code that access it
  • Task DataConnection.CloseAsync(CancellationTask) method removal: call parameter-less CloseAsync() method (close operation doesn't support cancellation)
  • Task DataConnection.DisposeAsync(CancellationTask) method removal: call parameter-less DisposeAsync() method (dispose operation doesn't support cancellation)
  • DataTools.GetChar field removal: use Expression<>-typed field DataTools.GetCharExpression instead (GetChar field wasn't used in v3 already)
  • OracleTools.DataReaderGetDecimal field removal: this field wasn't used in v3 already so you can just remove code that access it
  • SqlServerTools.DataReaderGetMoney field removal: this field wasn't used in v3 already so you can just remove code that access it
  • SqlServerTools.DataReaderGetDecimal field removal: this field wasn't used in v3 already so you can just remove code that access it
  • DataContext.BeginTransaction and DataContext.BeginTransactionAsync() methods got rid of never used bool autoCommitOnDispose parameter

Removal of BulkCopy helpers on <DB>Tools classes

Those methods were just opionated shortcuts to DataConnection.BulkCopy method and to fix your code you just need to call it instead.


// AccessTools.MultipleRowsCopy =>
// FirebirdTools.MultipleRowsCopy =>
// MySqlTools.MultipleRowsCopy =>
// OracleTools.MultipleRowsCopy =>
// PostgreSQLTools.MultipleRowsCopy =>
// SQLiteTools.MultipleRowsCopy =>
// SqlCeTools.MultipleRowsCopy =>
// SybaseTools.MultipleRowsCopy =>
  new BulkCopyOptions
    BulkCopyType       = BulkCopyType.MultipleRows,
    MaxBatchSize       = maxBatchSize, // default was 1000
    RowsCopiedCallback = rowsCopiedCallback, // default was null
  }, source);

// DB2Tools.MultipleRowsCopy =>
// InformixTools.MultipleRowsCopy =>
  new BulkCopyOptions
    BulkCopyType       = BulkCopyType.ProviderSpecific, // right, ProviderSpecific used
    MaxBatchSize       = maxBatchSize, // default was 1000
    RowsCopiedCallback = rowsCopiedCallback, // default was null
  }, source);

// DB2Tools.ProviderSpecificBulkCopy =>
  new BulkCopyOptions
    BulkCopyType       = BulkCopyType.ProviderSpecific,
    BulkCopyTimeout    = bulkCopyTimeout, // default was null
    KeepIdentity       = keepIdentity, // default was false
    NotifyAfter        = notifyAfter, // default was 0
    RowsCopiedCallback = rowsCopiedCallback, // default was null
  }, source);

// OracleTools.ProviderSpecificBulkCopy =>
  new BulkCopyOptions
    BulkCopyType       = BulkCopyType.ProviderSpecific,
    MaxBatchSize       = maxBatchSize, // default was null
    BulkCopyTimeout    = bulkCopyTimeout, // default was null
    NotifyAfter        = notifyAfter, // default was 0
    RowsCopiedCallback = rowsCopiedCallback, // default was null
  }, source);

// SqlServerTools.ProviderSpecificBulkCopy =>
  new BulkCopyOptions
    BulkCopyType       = BulkCopyType.ProviderSpecific,
    MaxBatchSize       = maxBatchSize, // default was null
    BulkCopyTimeout    = bulkCopyTimeout, // default was null
    KeepIdentity       = keepIdentity, // default was false
    CheckConstraints   = checkConstraints, // default was false
    NotifyAfter        = notifyAfter, // default was 0
    RowsCopiedCallback = rowsCopiedCallback, // default was null
  }, source);

Provider-Specific Changes


Guid to UUID default mapping

V4 introduces default mapping of Guid type to UUID type (represented by CHAR(16) CHARACTER SET OCTETS type). It will affect existing applications that used Guid-typed columns, mapped to CHAR(38), especially in queries with inlined parameters (as SQL literals), as it will start to generate binary literal instead.

To update your application you have several options

Specify DataType for string-types Guid columns

You need to specify DataType = DataType.Char or DataType = DataType.NChar in column mapping:

// specify explicit DataType using attributes
public class MyTable
    // map to fixed-length text database type
    [Column(DataType = DataType.Char)]
    public Guid GuidAsStringColumn1;

    // map to fixed-length text database type
    [Column(DataType = DataType.NChar)]
    public Guid GuidAsStringColumn2;

    // explicit mapping to UUID
    [Column(DataType = DataType.Guid)]
    public Guid GuidAsUUID1;

    // default mapping to UUID
    public Guid GuidAsUUID2;

// or using fluent mapping
    .Property(e => e.GuidAsStringColumn1).HasDataType(DataType.Char)
    .Property(e => e.GuidAsStringColumn2).HasDataType(DataType.NChar)
    .Property(e => e.GuidAsUUID1).HasDataType(DataType.Guid)
    .Property(e => e.GuidAsUUID2)

If your model generated using T4 templates and doesn't have DataType generated, you need to enable following T4 option and re-generate your model:

GenerateDataTypes = true;
Restore old behavior for all Guid columns by default

Another option is to change default Guid DataType using following code:

// remap Guid to Char (or NChar)
ms.SetDataType(typeof(Guid), DataType.Char);
ms.SetDataType(typeof(Guid?), DataType.Char);

With this change Linq To DB will not use UUID type for Guid if you not specify DataType.Guid for column explicitly.