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Releases and Roadmap

MaceWindu edited this page Apr 6, 2024 · 1037 revisions

Release 5.4.1


  • #4445: [PostgreSQL] improve performance of native BulkCopy. Thanks to @AndreyShipunov for PR
  • #4456: [SQLite] Add optional extension parameter to SQLiteTools.CreateDatabase API to specify extension of created database file instead of hardcoded .sqlite. Thanks to @alexey-leonovich for PR
  • #4457: Fix connection leak issue with DataContext transactions/eager load when context used with auto-released connection without context disposal

Release 5.4.0


  • #4005: adds metrics collection API
    • #3405: see OpenTelemetry integration example in our samples
    • add Common.Configuration.TraceMaterializationActivity = false option to enable materialization metrics collection
  • #4217: fixed SQL generation of unnecessary IS NOT NULL checks for some of nullable boolean comparisons
  • #4252: add new setting UseEnableConstantExpressionInOrderBy(bool) to allow constants in ORDER BY clause to sort using ordinals. Note that we don't recommend to use it as we don't give guaranty over column order in generated query SQL
  • #4327: fix issues with null handling in IN (sub-query)/EXISTS clauses
  • #4337: fix 5.3.0 regression LinqException: ...TransparentIdentifier... cannot be converted to SQL.
  • #4341: mark configuration API methods with [Pure] attribute to highlight that they doesn't modify options object. Thanks to @curllog for PR
  • #4368: add support for one-way conversions registration using mappingSchema.SetConvertExpression.SetConverter methods using new conversionType = ConversionType.[From/To]Database parameter
  • #4371: fix multiple issues where CurrentCulture used instead of Invariant culture
    • #3783: fix issue with non-SQL compatible negative literals generated for some cultures
  • #4378: fix BulkCopyOptions copy constructor
  • #4383: fix inherited classes support in eager load
  • #4385: [Oracle] fix DateOnly support in array-bound bulk copy mode
  • #4387: [NativeAOT] fixed couple of NativeAOT issues. Note that we still doesn't support NativeAOT officially
  • #4389: [ClickHouse] fix bulk copy support with ClickHouse.Client 6.8.0+ provider
  • #4398: fix rare race conditions in connection options creation logic
  • #4403: [Oracle] fix use of fixed-size buffer in multiple-rows bulk copy mode
  • #4415: fix regression in nullable aggregated scalar sub-queries handling
  • #4426: fix NullReferenceException due to race conditions in context logging when user change trace levels

LinqToDB Configuration

  • #4326: fix incorrect registration logic for AddLinqToDBContext<TContext, TContextImplementation>() overload

Scaffold T4

  • #4375: emit procedures and functions ordered by name

Scaffold CLI

Release 5.3.2


  • #4313: fix regression in Npgsql 7- support, introduced by 5.3.1 release

Release 5.3.1


  • #4309: fix compatibility with Npgsql 8

Release 5.3.0


  • #3273: [Oracle] Prefer single COALESCE function over multiple nested NVL for calls with 3 or more parameters. Thanks to @ddas09 for PR
  • #4122: log elements of collection-typed query parameters (e.g. arrays). By default only first 8 elements logged. Use Configuration.MaxArrayParameterLengthLogging setting to change this limit
  • #4168, #4174: fixed issue with linked server name being ignored by multiple APIs when only server name passed to API as input parameter
  • #4172: [Oracle] fix SQL, generated empty string comparison. Thanks to Divyansh Bhatia for PR
  • #4175: fix issue with conditional expressions parsing in output/returning clause. Thanks to Kasper Fabæch Brandt for PR
  • #4176: [Access] removed wrong identifier escaping logic, when identifier with dot in name was split into multi-component identifier
  • #4182: fix table attributes support for MergeWithOutputInto output table. Thanks to Kasper Fabæch Brandt for PR
  • #4196: fixed null values support for value IN (subquery) syntax. Added new option PreferExistsForScalar to configure generated SQL for scalar subquery conditions. This feature is useful for databases (e.g. ClickHouse), which doesn't support correlated sub-queries by converting it to non-correlated one.
    • PreferExistsForScalar = true: EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sequence WHERE sequence.key = value)
    • PreferExistsForScalar = false (default): value IN (SELECT sequence.key FROM sequence)
  • #4201: support associations with different key types on both sides
  • #4202: fix issues with sub-query hints in SET queries
  • #4203: fix issue with query hints in subqueries
  • #4204: fix issue with optimization of subquery with grouping
  • #4210: fix nullability tracing for ternary expressions
  • #4219: [Oracle] limit generated query parameter length to 30 characters for Oracle 12+ temporary while we don't have explicit support for 12.2+ Oracle dialects
  • #4228, #4254: fix regression in parameter names generation
  • #4229: fixed issue, when cached query could hold reference to initial data context object, preventing it from garbage collection. This could lead to excessive memory use by query cache (sometimes huge)
  • #4256: fix issue with non-nullable constant values in sub-query projection to nullable projection field/property
  • #4257: enable support for IDataContext.CloseAfterUse = true context flag in BulkCopy API
  • #4261: fixed issue with embedding of enumerable collections with long path to collection
  • #4263: [NativeAOT] fixed issue with Expression.DebugView trimmed away
  • #4267: [NativeAOT] implemented workaround for NativeAOT issue with GetInterfaceMap API
  • #4268: changed DataConnection.WriteTraceLineConnection setter accessibility to protected to allow direct assignment from child classes. Thanks to @Metadorius for PR
  • #4275: some internal memory/performance optimizations to entity model build
  • #4280: fixed exception when Update<TBase>(derivedInstance) API called for entity with inheritance mapping
  • #4285: [PostgreSQL] fixed issues in identifier quotation logic
  • #4299: fix potential issue with default struct constructors
  • #4302: [Access] implement missing conversion to SQL bool


  • #4131:
    • [T4] fix Oracle templates, broken by 5.0 release
    • #4058: [T4] fix issues with identifiers generation process steps, when C# keyword check applied before final name generated for some identifier types
  • #4134: [CLI] add add-init-context option to manage generation of InitDataContext partial method on context
  • #4255: [CLI] fixed multiple issues with parsing of generic types by ITypeParser implementation
  • #4278: [T4] we decided to cancel obsoletion of T4 nugets (scaffold cli utility is still recomended way to scaffold database model)

Release 5.2.2


  • #4043: add missing support for column converters (IValueConverter) by Execute[Async](string sql) API
  • #4146:
    • refactor query parameter names generation to avoid issues like #3902 and #4144
    • [PostgreSQL] fixed missing identifier quotation when identifier starts from non-letter and non-underscore character

Scaffold CLI

  • #4127: fix binding of output parameters for synchronous mappings of stored procedures

Release 5.2.1


  • #4025: fix issue with object->DataParameter conversion being ignored
  • #4074: improve discard of invalid ORDER BY columns from joined subqueries
  • #4090: fix nullability tracking for OUTER APPLY columns
  • #4098: fix issues with missing columns for queries with join to subquery
  • #4107: fix merge keys selection into CTE for merge-into-cte queries
  • #4113: fix regression in handling properties, which hide interface implementation with new keyword
  • #4124: fix database provider detection for ProviderName.MariaDB name

Scaffold CLI

  • #4111: fix scaffold of table functions in separate schema class

Release 5.2.0

We started our own Discord server. Invite could be found here.


  • #3034: fix mapping of inherited interfaces for interface mapping
  • #3776, #3895, EF#213, EF#316: [PostgreSQL] fix issue with DateTime values Kind normalization, when it was converted to Unspecified for column of timestamp with time zone type. If you still have this issue, check that your column has type specified.
  • #4031: Improve detection of interface property implementation for mapping
  • #4045: [Oracle][PostgreSQL] fix issue with connection string parameter ignored by PostgreSQLTools/OracleTools in some methods
  • #4046: Apply DataParameter conversions to parameters in more cases
  • #4055: [MySQL] fix trailing hint generation for INSERT queries (e.g. INSERT ... SELECT ... FOR UPDATE)
  • #4065: [Firebird] fix incorrect SQL generation for parameter-less stored procedure, called as table function
  • #4066: [ClickHouse] add helpers to specify join hints, FINAL modifier and SETTINGS clause (see tests for usage examples)
  • #4070: [ClickHouse] fixed creation of temporary table with primary key in ClickHouse 23.3+
  • #4072: add static DataConnection.DefaultOnTraceConnection property to set default application-wide trace handler
  • #4079: fix InvalidCastException generated for some queries with Sql.Property API
  • #4082: fix materialization of entity, queried using implemented interface, where interface has read-only property and entity class implements it with setter
  • #4086: fix multiple issues with DataContext:
    • #4057: async eager load operation on DataContext could fail with exception InvalidOperationException: There is already an open DataReader associated with this Connection which must be closed first.
    • DataContext with KeepConnectionAlive = false setting closes implicit eager load transaction after first query
    • DataContext queries caching doesn't work correctly (could affect only applications with multiple configurations for same database type)

Scaffold CLI

  • #4061: Fix regression in association names generation for composite foreign keys

Release 5.1.1


  • #4037: fixed issue with incorrect use of connection string parameter by some of [Oracle|PostgreSQL|SqlServer]Tools APIs

Release 5.1.0


  • #3966:
    • prefer field IN (subquery) SQL generation instead of EXISTS(subquery with field filter) for scalar subqueries
    • improve boolean type compatibility for ClickHouse for Octonica and MySql providers
  • #3997: don't throw exception from provider dialect detector when dialect already specified in context options and connection string is not set
  • #4001:
    • added new extension point for query hints/extensions generation: QueryExtensionScope.TableNameHint
    • [SQL Server] add temporal table extensions to filter by FOR SYSTEM_TIME clause: TemporalTableHint, TemporalTableAll, TemporalTableAsOf, TemporalTableFromTo, TemporalTableBetween, TemporalTableContainedIn
  • #4006: add BigInteger type support for PostgreSQL
  • #4010: fix potential issues with hint extensions
  • #4011: fix nullability tracking for deep-nested optional associations
  • #4014: fix overloads conflict for UsePostgreSQL configuration extensions
  • #4015: add WhereKeyOptimistic extension to apply query filter over primary key and lock field for specific record
  • #4016: disable unused left join optimization for joins with hints
  • #4022: fix work with inherited attributes on properties
  • #4027: fix regression in DataConnection.DefaultSettings assignment handling

Scaffold CLI

  • #4021:
    • #945: add support for fluent metadata generation: new --metadata option with values none, attributes (default), fluent
    • automatically pass generated mapping schema to context in generated context constructors (for fluent mapping and PostgreSQL tuples mapping)
    • [PostgreSQL] fix error when scaffold includes NpgsqlTypes.NpgsqlInterval type
    • [SQL CE] fix duplicate foreign key columns
    • fixed equality generation for nullable System.Data.SqlTypes.Sql* struct types and SqlHierarchyId
    • fixed equality generation for DB2 custom struct types (e.g. DB2Int32) including nullable types
    • fixed defaults rendering in --find-methods command help, add none option to disable generation of Find* methods

Release 5.0.0

Also check V5 migration notes.


  • #3975: fix support for AssociationSetterExpression for cases when Storage use different type compared to mapped association
  • #3981: simplify and clarify IMetadataReader.GetAttributes API contract:
    • remove use of generic arguments and set return type to MappingAttribute[] from T[] where T: MappingAttribute
    • document that implementation should return all mapping attributes for requested member/type
  • #3983: fix InvalidCastException from InsertWithOutput* APIs when target and output types doesn't match
  • #3986: fix Contains to IN conversion for collections with null values

Release 5.0.0 RC 2


  • #3959: fix issue with reverted default column order for mapping classes with inheritance. Thanks to Guillaume Lecomte for PR
  • #3961: add support for custom association setter expression, used on association load using LoadWith/ThenWith APIs (Thanks to Guillaume Lecomte for PR):
    • AssociationAttribute.AssociationSetterExpressionMethod
    • AssociationAttribute.AssociationSetterExpression
  • #3962: add additional overloads to CreateTempTable API to support anonymous classes
  • #3967: fixed incorrect equality operators implementations for DataOptions
  • #3969: (#1592, #1822) replace MappingSchema.EntityDescriptorCreatedCallback instance delegate with
    • application-wide MappingSchema.EntityDescriptorCreatedCallback static delegate
    • context-specific delegate, set using WithOnEntityDescriptorCreated/UseOnEntityDescriptorCreated configuration extensions
  • #3970: add additional overloads to Use<DB_NAME> options configuration extensions without connection string parameter

Release 5.0.0 RC 1


  • #3643: added source table support to output/returning clause to Merge API:
    • MergeWithOutput[Async] (SQL Server 2008+, Firebird 3.0+)
    • MergeWithOutputInto[Async] (SQL Server 2008+)
  • #3840: fix type convert issues in mapping generation
  • #3858:
    • improve detection of cases when we can generate single query with APPLY instead of multiple queries
    • #3799: fix NotImplementedException from eager-load queries with single-record subqueries (e.g. using FirstOrDefault)
  • #3952: due to compatibility issues between MySql.Data provider and recent versions on MariaDB we drop support for MySql.Data provider use with MariaDB. You can still use it with old MariaDB versions, but we don't accept issues for this provider/database combination and recommend to use MySqlConnector provider (for MySql too)


  • #3953: downgrade required Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection and Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions dependencies to version 6 from 7

Release 5.0.0 Preview 2


  • #553: added API for record delete/update with optimistic lock. See notes below
  • #2690: add support for C# Nullable Reference Types annotations to infer nullability of columns and single-record associations. To enable it, set Configuration.UseNullableTypesMetadata = true; option. Note that curently this is application-wide option and cannot be configured per-context
  • #3905: [MySql][MariaDB] added extensions to work with 'FOR UPDATE/SHARE' hints (see examples in tests)
  • #3900: performance-related optimizations and refactorings
    • mapping attributes refactoring (see below)
    • breaking changes to fluent mapping (see below)
    • [BREAKING CHANGE] Configuration.Linq.EnableAutoFluentMapping was renamed to EnableContextSchemaEdit to better reflect affected behavior and set it to false by default
    • [BREAKING CHANGE] disable support for mapping attributes from System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema and System.Data.Linq.Mapping namespaces by default
    • connection factory delegate accepts DataOptions instance now (Func<DbConnection> -> Func<DataOptions, DbConnection>). It allows user to access connection options, e.g. connection string: options => new SqlConnection(options.ConnectionOptions.ConnectionString)
    • [BREAKING CHANGE] custom IMetadataReader implementations should support requests for base attribute types. See more details here
  • #3906: fixed InvalidOperationException in eager load
  • #3910: fixed C# NRT annotations on LoadWith/ThenLoad APIs
  • #3921: fixed several issues with asociations:
    • #3658: respect CanBeNull for associations with custom predicate expression
    • prevent "unused" inner join removal by sql optimizer if it was added by association
    • fix generation of joins for associations for Count scalar queries
  • #3926: fixed issue in eager load
  • #3933: fix context mapping schema pollution in temporary table APIs with custom entity configuration delegate parameter
  • #3939: add new connection extensions to simplify database connection setup without need to define interceptor class: UseBeforeConnectionOpened/UseAfterConnectionOpened. Both extensions accept sync delegate with connection instance parameter and optional async delegate for use from async code if you need to call blocking code from setup delegate. Some examples where it could be useful:
  • #3943: improve performance of System.Data.Linq.Binary .NET Core compatibility class. Thanks to Guillaume Lecomte for PR

Scaffold CLI

  • #3728: fix one-to-one association name generation regression
  • #3896: fix PE image doesn't contain managed metadata. error when use T4 template for interceptors (thanks to @AndyBan for PR)
  • #3938: fix SQL Server support regression in preview-1

Optimistic Lock Extensions

Namespace: LinqToDB.Concurrency.

There are two new extensions to leverage record update and delete operations using optimistic locks:

  • UpdateOptimistic[Async]
  • DeleteOptimistic[Async]

Those extensions:

  • accept record object you need to update or delete with version field value set and add version check to your query;
  • return number of affected records which you should check to see if operation executed successfully or nothing was updated/deleted due to version change in database or because record is not found.

To use those extensions you need to tell Linq To DB which field should be used as version field and how to generate new version value on optimistic update. For that you can:

  • annotate it with OptimisticLockPropertyAttribute which provides several standard version generation strategies;
  • implement your own one using OptimisticLockPropertyBaseAttribute as base attribute class and specify update expression in GetNextValue method.

Built-in strategies:

  • VersionBehavior.Auto: use database-generated value. E.g. SQL Server rowversion field type or UPDATE TRIGGER
  • VersionBehavior.AutoIncrement: use autoincrement strategy (by +1) on numeric field
  • VersionBehavior.Guid: use Guid.NewGuid() client side generation. Could be applied to fields of Guid, string (using guid.ToString()) or byte[] (using guid.ToByteArray()) types


public class MyTable
    [PrimaryKey, Identity]
    public int Id { get;set; }

    public Guid Version { get;set; }

    public string Name { get;set; }

    // ... other fields

using var db = new MyContext();

var record1 = new MyTable()
    // initial version
    Version = Guid.NewGuid(),
    Name = "My Name"

// add record to database

record.Name = "New Name";
if (db.UpdateOptimistic(record1) == 0)
    // update failed - sombody managed to remove our record or change it's version
    throw new InvalidOperationException(
        $"Update failed, record with id={record1.Id} and"
            + $" version={record1.Version} wasn't found in database");
    // add additional condition to query
    if (db.GetTable<MyTable>().Where(r => r.Name.Contains("My")).DeleteOptimistic(record1) == 0)
        // use only primary key + version as delete condition
        if (db.DeleteOptimistic(record1) == 0)
            throw new InvalidOperationException(
                $"Delete failed, record with id={record1.Id} and"
                    + $" version={record1.Version} wasn't found in database");

Mapping attributes refactoring

This release introduce major refactoring to mapping attributes which includes:

  • all mapping attributes now inherited from MappingAttribute base class, which means all of them now have string? Configuration property to specify configuration-specific mapping. Previously it wasn't possible to specify configuration-specific mappings using some mapping attributes;
  • interface IMetadataReader now has generic constrain TAttribute: MappingAttribute which will require changes from you, if you use custom metadata readers
    • you need to add generic constrains to your implementation
    • you cannot return non-mapping attributes from reader (which already was useless, as linq2db doesn't query such attributes from readers anyways)
  • attribute getter methods in MappingSchema class now also have TAttribute: MappingAttribute constrain now. This shouldn't affect most of users as those methods designed for use by linq2db itself

Fluent mapping changes

With this release we introduce breaking change to fluent mapping configuration, which will require changes from all users of fluent mapping.

Previously to configure mappings using fluent builder all you need to do is to create builder using GetFluentMappingBuilder() method on mapping schema or database context and add mappings using builder method which immediatly reflected in mapping schema.

We change this behavior to postpone configured mappings registration in mapping schema till explicit call to new Build() method on fluent mappings builder and remove GetFluentMappingBuilder from MappingSchema and DataContext and DataConnection classes to make this breaking change explicit.

E.g. you have following code which worked before:

// create new data context
using var db = new MyDataContext();

// create new mapping schema for fluent mappings
// and add it to context
var fluentMappings = new MappingSchema();

// get mappings builder from mapping schema
var builder = fluentMappings.GetFluentMappingBuilder();
// or using context mapping schema directly
// var builder = db.MappingSchema.GetFluentMappingBuilder();
// or
// var builder = db.GetFluentMappingBuilder();

// configure mappings
builder.Entity<MyEntity>().Property(e => e.Id).IsPrimaryKey();

// all done, you can use your mappings already

// delete entity by primary key value from Id property

While it worked before, that example contains a lot of issues with performance and will not work in new version for at least two reasons:

  • there is no Build() method call yet, so context don't know anything about new mappings;
  • AddMappingSchema(..) method called before mappings configured - this will also not work anymore, because fluent mappings not set to mapping schema yet by Build() call;
  • if you used GetFluentMappingBuilder method on context/context schema - it will also will not work as we changed library defaults and context mapping schema is not editable by default anymore.

Except those obvious breaking changes this example also has big performance issue: if you need to configure mappings you need to do it once and then use pre-configured mapping schema with all context instances otherwise you will have big performance penalty as linq2db will be unable to reuse cached mapping information.

Proper configuration of (fluent) mappings:

// setup mappings once, e.g. in application startup or MyDataContext static constructor:

private readonly MappingSchema _mappings;

static MyDataContext()
    // create shared mapping schema instance with all context mappings
    _mappings = new MappingSchema();

    // configure fluent mappings
    // create builder instance explicitly
    new FluentMappingBuilder(_mappings)
            .Property(e => e.Id)
        // (!) commit mappings to mapping schema

    // also we can configure additional mappings

// pass mapping schema to context base contructor (e.g. using DataOptions)
public MyDataContext(DataOptions options)
    : base(options.UseMappingSchema(_mappings))

Default configuration changes

We are changing some library defaults to provide better performance by default. It could break some users.

Data context mapping schema (MappingSchema IDataContext.MappingSchema property) from now is read-only by default.

It means you cannot edit it from context instance:

var db = new MyContext();

// add fluent mappings to context mapping schema
// register new type conversion

You can restore old behavior using following code:

// application-wide switch
Configuration.Linq.EnableContextSchemaEdit = true;

// context-wide option
var db = new MyContext(new DataOptions().UseEnableContextSchemaEdit(true));

But we wont recommend doing it as it will affect performance. Recommended approach is to create single mapping schema instance, configure it and use with all context instances. You can see example how to do it in fluent mappings section.

disable support for mapping attributes from non-linq2db namespaces

In previous releases Linq To DB was able to consume some mapping attributes from System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema and System.Data.Linq.Mapping namespaces.

Starting from this release support for those attributes is not enabled by default. Those mappings were used by minor part of users but calls to corresponding metadata providers are done for all users.

If you used them, you need to enable corresponding metadata readers:

// for System.Data.Linq.Mapping support
var reader = SystemDataLinqAttributeReader();
// for System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema
var reader = SystemComponentModelDataAnnotationsSchemaAttributeReader();

// enable globally

// enable for specific mapping schema (don't forget to setup
// schema once per-application to benefit from mappings caching)

Metadata Reader Changes

Obsoletion note: in final release we removed generics from GetAttributes and require from them to return all attributes always

If you implemented custom metadata reader in your application (interface IMetadataReader), you will need to make several changes to your implementation:

  1. add where T : MappingAttribute generic constrain to GetAttributes methods implementation
  2. change GetAttributes logic to support calls where T = MappingAttribute

From this release linq2db could call GetAttributes methods using base attribute type instead of concrete type. E.g. GetAttributes<MappingAttribute> instead of GetAttributes<TableAttribute>. To support this new behavior you will need to make two changes to your implementation.

Replace T check conditions to use IsAssignableFrom:

// old code
if (typeof(T) == typeof(TableAttribute))
   // create and return TableAttribute instance

// new check. takes inheritance into account
if (typeof(T).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(TableAttribute)))
   // create and return TableAttribute instance

Return all applicable attributes if all of them derived from T:

// old code
if (typeof(T) == typeof(ColumnAttribute))
   // create and return ColumnAttribute instance
else if (typeof(T) == typeof(Sql.ExpressionAttribute))
   // create and return Sql.ExpressionAttribute instance

// new code
// because T could represent base class, both supported attributes should be returned
var result = new List<T>();
if (typeof(T).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(ColumnAttribute)))
   // create ColumnAttribute instance

if (typeof(T).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(Sql.ExpressionAttribute)))
   // create Sql.ExpressionAttribute instance

// return all applicable attributes
return result.ToArray();

Release 5.0.0 Preview 1

  • #3530:
    • #471: fix issue when changing some application-wide options form Configuration.Linq could affect existing connections/cached queries, see more details below on options rework
    • #472: introduced connection-wide provider specific options instead of existing application-wide options
    • add void RemoveInterceptor(IInterceptor interceptor) method to contexts
    • add DataConnection.OnRemoveInterceptor event
    • improved SQL dialect detection logic for SQL Server, PostgreSQL and Oracle to cache detection results per-connection string
    • context options DataOptions instance accessible using IDataContext.Options property
    • [T4] added new T4 setting string GetDataOptionsMethod to specify name of custom static method with DataOptions return type, called by generated constructors
    • [t4] renamed T4 option GenerateLinqToDBConnectionOptionsConstructors to GenerateDataOptionsConstructors
    • [SQL Server] default SQL Server dialect bumped to SQL Server 2012 from 2008
    • added support for automatic detection of SQL Server provider (SqlServerProvider.AutoDetect)
  • #3898: removed obsoleted APIs
  • #3902: [Sybase] fix issue with too long parameter name trimming

Provider Dialect Detection Changes

AutoDetect logic enabled by default for SQL Server, PostgreSQL and Oracle providers if user doesn't specify required dialect version explicitly:

  • SQL Server provider will use AutoDetect logic to detect SQL dialect instread of SQL Server 2008 (2012 starting from this release) dialect by default. To disable it set SqlServerTools.AutoDetectProvider to false
  • PostgreSQL provider will use AutoDetect logic to detect SQL dialect instread of PostgreSQL 9.2 dialect by default. To disable it set PostgreSQLTools.AutoDetectProvider to false
  • Oracle provider will use AutoDetect logic to detect SQL dialect instread of Oracle 12 dialect by default. To disable it set OracleTools.AutoDetectProvider to false

Options Rework


This PR introduce major options overhaul.

Required changes to configuration code

LinqToDBConnectionOptionsBuilder options builder class alongside with LinqToDBConnectionOptions and LinqToDBConnectionOptions<T> classes replaced with DataOptions[<T>] classes. This will require from you to change configuration logic a bit:


// 1. create options builder
var optionsBuilder = new LinqToDBConnectionOptionsBuilder();
// 2. set options to builder
// 3. generate options object using Build() method and pass it to context or register in DI container
new DataContext(optionsBuilder.Build());


// 1. create immutable options object
var options = new DataOptions();
// 2. "mutate" it using same configuration methods as before
// IMPORTANT: because options object is immutable you should chaing configuration methods calls
// or save returned options object to variable
options = options.UseSqlServer(connectionString);
// 3. pass options to context/DI container
new DataContext(options);

As you can notice main changes are:

  • two old configuration classes (builder and options) replaced with single options class
  • because options are immutable (compared to old builder), you must not forget to use results of Use* configuration methods
  • configuration build extensions not changed in general, several old extensions that were not used Use* naming pattern were renamed. See full list of renames below
  • AspNet configuration extensions AddLinqToDB`AddLinqToDBContextnow require that you return options instance fromconfigure` delegate parameter
Fix to application-wide options scope

Changes to application-wide configuration options (see list of options below) doesn't affect already created contexts and cached queries

  • Configuration.Linq.PreloadGroups
  • Configuration.Linq.IgnoreEmptyUpdate
  • Configuration.Linq.GenerateExpressionTest
  • Configuration.Linq.TraceMapperExpression
  • Configuration.Linq.DoNotClearOrderBys
  • Configuration.Linq.OptimizeJoins
  • Configuration.Linq.CompareNullsAsValues
  • Configuration.Linq.GuardGrouping
  • Configuration.Linq.DisableQueryCache
  • Configuration.Linq.CacheSlidingExpiration
  • Configuration.Linq.PreferApply
  • Configuration.Linq.KeepDistinctOrdered
  • Configuration.Linq.ParameterizeTakeSkip
  • Configuration.Linq.EnableAutoFluentMapping

Same logic applied to retry policy objects and application-wide options for them:

  • Configuration.RetryPolicy.DefaultRandomFactor
  • Configuration.RetryPolicy.DefaultExponentialBase
  • Configuration.RetryPolicy.DefaultCoefficient

Also all those options now could be configured per-context using Use<OptionName> configuration extensions.

For Configuration.Linq options:

  • UsePreloadGroups
  • UseIgnoreEmptyUpdate
  • UseGenerateExpressionTest
  • UseTraceMapperExpression
  • UseDoNotClearOrderBys
  • UseOptimizeJoins
  • UseCompareNullsAsValues
  • UseGuardGrouping
  • UseDisableQueryCache
  • UseCacheSlidingExpiration
  • UsePreferApply
  • UseKeepDistinctOrdered
  • UseParameterizeTakeSkip
  • UseEnableAutoFluentMapping

For Configuration.RetryPolicy options:

  • UseRetryPolicy
  • UseDefaultRetryPolicyFactory
  • UseFactory
  • UseMaxRetryCount
  • UseMaxDelay
  • UseRandomFactor
  • UseExponentialBase
  • UseCoefficient

Added UseBulkCopy<option_name>() helpers to configure connection-wide bulk copy defaults.

Also for following option objects we added With<option_name> configuration extensions:

  • BulkCopyOptions
  • RetryPolicyOptions
  • QueryTraceOptions
  • ConnectionOptions
  • LinqOptions
Provider-specific options

Introduced support for provider-specific options instead of application-wide settings, usually located in <DB>Tools provider classes.

Current release contains options for all providers (see list below). They could be configured globally using <DB>Options.Default options set or using Use<DB> configuration extension.

List of available options (old options were marked with Obsolete attribute):

  • [ALL] <DB>Tools.DefaultBulkCopyType -> <DB>Options.BulkCopyType
  • [MSSQL] SqlServerConfiguration.GenerateScopeIdentity -> SqlServerOptions.GenerateScopeIdentity
  • [SQL CE] SqlCeConfiguration.InlineFunctionParameters -> SqlCeOptions.InlineFunctionParameters
  • [SQLite] SQLiteTools.AlwaysCheckDbNull -> SQLiteOptions.AlwaysCheckDbNull
  • [PostgreSQL] PostgreSQLTools.NormalizeTimestampData -> PostgreSQLOptions.NormalizeTimestampData
  • [PostgreSQL] PostgreSQLSqlBuilder.IdentifierQuoteMode -> PostgreSQLOptions.IdentifierQuoteMode
  • [Oracle] OracleTools.DontEscapeLowercaseIdentifiers -> OracleOptions.DontEscapeLowercaseIdentifiers
  • [Informix] InformixConfiguration.ExplicitFractionalSecondsSeparator -> InformixOptions.ExplicitFractionalSecondsSeparator
  • [Firebird] FirebirdConfiguration.IdentifierQuoteMode -> FirebirdOptions.IdentifierQuoteMode
  • [Firebird] FirebirdConfiguration.IsLiteralEncodingSupported -> FirebirdOptions.IsLiteralEncodingSupported
  • [DB2] DB2SqlBuilderBase.IdentifierQuoteMode -> DB2Options.IdentifierQuoteMode
  • [ClickHouse] ClickHouseConfiguration.UseStandardCompatibleAggregates -> ClickHouseOptions.UseStandardCompatibleAggregates

T4 changes

T4 templates updated to:

  • generate new options constructors
  • added new T4 setting string GetDataOptionsMethod to specify name of custom static method with DataOptions return type, called by generated constructors
  • renamed T4 option GenerateLinqToDBConnectionOptionsConstructors to GenerateDataOptionsConstructors

Public API Changes/Renames

  • BulkCopyOption changed from class to class record. Because class records are immutable, you should use with statement or new With<BulkOption>() helpers
  • added DataConnection constructors with Func<DataOptions,DataOptions> optionsSetter parameter to build options using DataConnection.DefaultDataOptions as input
  • method rename: UseAccessODBC -> UseAccessOdbc
  • method rename: WithInterceptor -> UseInterceptor
  • method rename: WithTracing -> UseTracing
  • method rename: WithTraceLevel -> UseTraceLevel
  • method rename: WriteTraceWith -> UseTraceWith
  • property rename: SqlServerTools.Provider -> SqlServerTools.DefaultProvider
  • property rename: GrpcDataContext.Options -> GrpcDataContext.ChannelOptions
  • internal infrastructure support class TypeExtensions with Type extension methods (UnwrapNullableType, IsNullableType, IsInteger, IsNumericType, IsSignedInteger, IsSignedType) removed from public surface
  • added OracleVersion.AutoDetect, PostgreSQLVersion.AutoDetect, SqlServerVersion.AutoDetect enum values to explicitly specify that SQL dialect should be detected by LinqToDB based on server version
  • LinqToDB.Common.Internal.ValueComparer[<T>] classes removed from public surface

Release 4.4.1

  • #3946:
    • [DB2][Firebird][Oracle] remove unnecessary wrapper subquery around SELECT with CTE for INSERT FROM SELECT queries
    • [DB2] fixed position of CTE clause in INSERT FROM SELECT queries
    • #3945: fixed generation of addtional unnecessary columns in select sub-query with composite columns
    • [PostgreSQL][Firebird][MySql][MariaDb] don't add RECURSIVE keyword to simple CTE clauses, defined by GetCte API

Release 4.4.0

  • #3218: [T4][SQLite] fixed issue with schema load where it could fail due to outdated sqlite runtime version used
  • #3579: corrected nullability annotations on Sql.Collate function
  • #3712: add InsertWithOutput extensions for IValueInsertable interface
  • #3751: treat non-nullable columns from left joins as nullable during SQL generation
  • #3760, #3834: fixed issue where InsertWithOutput API cannot handle columns when column's name and property's name are different
  • #3761: improve mapping of Nullable<T>.GetValueOrDefault() to generate query parameter
  • #3762: [Scaffold] fix SQL Server scalar function mappings to always include schema name as required by SQL Server
  • #3777: [Scaffold] fixed issue where scaffold could generate classes/properties in different order between generations. From now generated code will have mappings for tables and functions ordered by name in database and columns by column ordinal
  • #3788, #3872: improve GroupBy(constant) optimization to exclude unnecessary GROUP BY generation
  • #3791: fix InvalidOperationException: No coercion operator is defined... error when custom conversion specified between types with TypeConverter support
  • #3797: [ClickHouse] enable support for EXCEPT ALL/INTERCEPT ALL set operators
  • #3803: Scaffold framework improvements:
    • add AfterSourceCodeGenerated(FinalDataModel model) interceptor to provide access to data model used for code generation with actual indentifiers, used for generated code, set
    • add string? ForeignKeyName property to AssociationModel class
  • #3809: fix issue in conditional expressions handling for associated tables
  • #3810: [Scaffold] fixed composite foreign key association generation to use all key columns instead of first key column only
  • #3811: Fix equality implementation for System.Data.Linq.Binary type for .net (core) runtimes
  • #3820: [Scaffold] add native support for net6.0 and net7.0 to scaffold cli tool
  • #3825: Fixed support for some mapping attributes in fluent mapping (MapValueAttribute and some more)
  • #3826: Improve error message for CREATE TABLE command when column database type cannot be determined automatically to include column member's .NET type name
  • #3829: [ClickHouse] add support for ClickHouseDecimal type from ClickHouse.Client provider
  • #3837: [Informix] Improve SQL generation for Nvl function
  • #3843: expose constructor of DataReaderWrapper class to unblock custom DataReader extensions implementation
  • #3854: [SQL Server] temporal tables support in schema/scaffold:
    • mark from/to validity range columns as read-only
    • mark temporal history table as read-only
    • add option to ignore history tables on schema load (mssql-ignore-temporal-history-tables flag in linq2db.cli and GetSchemaOptions.IgnoreSystemHistoryTables in schema API)
  • #3855: implement IAsyncDisposable on DataContextTransaction
  • #3863: disposal of transaction without explicit call to Rollback method will not call Rollback explicitly on transaction object anymore (transaction still be rolled back by database provider if needed)
    • BREAKING such transactions will not generate RollbackTransaction trace event anymore. Also we introduce new DisposeTransaction trace event as replacement
  • #3865: fixed ValueConverter support in remote context

Release 4.3.0

  • #3462: support single query generation for queries with multiple cross apply clauses
  • #3759:
    • Update SQL Server 2022 support to RC.0 level (chars parameter support for string.TrimEnd(string value, char[] chars) and string.TrimStart(string value, char[] chars) mappings)
    • add chars parameter support for string.TrimEnd(string value, char[] chars) and string.TrimStart(string value, char[] chars) mappings for following databases:
      • SQLite
      • SAP HANA
      • PostgreSQL
      • Oracle
      • Informix
      • DB2
      • ClickHouse
      • SQL Server 2022
  • #3774: fix 4.2.0 regression with handling of IN clauses in columns

Release 4.2.0

  • #1796: new ClickHouse database provider. See details below
  • #3584: [PostgreSQL] Add MERGE queries support to PostgreSQL provider (requires PostgreSQL 15)
  • #3595: Add new command interceptor events BeforeReaderDispose and BeforeReaderDisposeAsync invoked before DbDataReader disposal
  • #3649: [PostgreSQL][SQLite] Improve UPDATE ... FROM queries support for PostgreSQL and SQLite
  • #3659: [SQL Server] Add initial support for SQL Server 2022:
    • new dialect SqlServerVersion.v2022
    • support for INGORE NULLS qualifier for FIRST_VALUE/LAST_VALUE window functions (requires CTP 2.0)
    • support for IS [NOT] DISTINCT FROM operator (requires CTP 2.1)
  • #3664: Fix parameters caching in LoadWith filters
  • #3667: Fix compatibility with Npgsql 7
  • #3668: Fixed An item with the same key has already been added error for GroupBy queries with eager load inroduced by 4.1.1 release
  • #3669: Fix duplicate columns detection for columns with conditional expressions
  • #3673: [Scaffold CLI] added new schema option to specify default database schema(s) explicitly (default-schemas: string[])
  • #3676: [Scaffold CLI] fixed transformation option support from command line or json config
    • none value is recognized
    • help mentions proper name for association value (instead of non-existing t4)
  • #3679: [Scaffold] Add by-name filtering options for stored procedures, scalar and aggregate functions (table functions already covered):
    • include-stored-procedures / exclude-stored-procedures
    • include-scalar-functions / exclude-scalar-functions
    • include-aggregate-functions / exclude-aggregate-functions
  • #3683:
    • made changes to Linq To DB to support databases without transactions (e.g. ClickHouse)
    • added TransientRetryPolicy and DbExceptionTransientExceptionDetector classes to support new property DbException.IsTransient by retry policy mechanism. Available for net6.0 tfm
  • #3684: fix Argument types do not match exception when ValueConverter with HandlesNulls = true option used
  • #3685: fix null values handling in enumerable sources to generate NULL alias instead of NULLalias, which could lead to sql errors for some databases
  • #3687: fix argument nullability tracking for CAST and some other functions to avoid null checks generation for non-nullable arguments
  • #3689: Fix date/time strings generation i queries to generate fixed-length components (e.g. 01:05 for time instead of 1:5)
  • #3690:
    • obsolete SqlDataType.GetDataType method (MappingSchema.GetDataType should be used)
    • [BREAKING]: Conversion functions that doesn't specify exact type (System.Convert.ToDecimal, LinqToDB.Common.Convert) change behavior for decimal type. They will generate cast to decimal type definition, specified in mapping schema (usually decimal without precision and scale set). Previously they used hardcoded decimal(29, 10) type.
      • Workarounds:
        • register suitable decimal type mapping in mapping schema (not recommended): mappingSchema.AddScalarType(typeof(decimal), new SqlDataType(new DbDataType(typeof(decimal), DataType.Decimal, null, null, <precision>, <scale>)));
        • use better-typed convert API, e.g. Sql.Convert(Sql.Types.Decimal(<precision>,<scale>), convertedValue)
      • List of affected providers:
        • DB2: decimal(29, 10) -> decimal
        • Firebird: decimal(18, 10) -> decimal
        • SQL Sever CE: decimal(29, 10) -> decimal
        • SQL Sever: decimal(29, 10) -> decimal
        • MySQL/MariaDB: decimal(29, 10) -> decimal
        • SAP/Sybase ASE: decimal(29, 10) -> decimal
        • Oracle: decimal(29, 10) -> decimal
  • #3697: Fix issue when UpdateWithOutput could generate NULL instead of column in outputs for complex queries
  • #3701: add support for sequence name configuration for column using fluent mapping (UseSequence or HasAttribute(SequenceNameAttribute) methods)
  • #3703: [PostgreSQL] add support for NpgsqlInterval type from Npgsql 6
  • #3705:
    • [PostgreSQL] add type hint to bytea and uuid literals (::bytea, ::uuid)
    • [PostgreSQL] add new SQL dialect PostgreSQLVersion.v15. Enables MERGE query generation for InsertOrReplace/Update APIs
  • #3709: [CLI] fix ColumnType not provided by schema for table error for Access scaffolding using ODBC provider for decimal columns
  • #3728: [Scaffold] Fix generation of association name for one-to-one relation over primary keys in CLI tool
  • #3729: fix Merge into table with query filters defined
  • #3731: [Oracle] reset ArrayBindCount property on OracleCommand to prevent exception on command reuse after BulkCopy in AlternativeBulkCopy.InsertInto mode
  • #3738: remove incorrect database type inferring logic for binary expressions
  • #3747: [Scaffold] CLI tool improvements
    • tolerate allow trailing commas in JSON config
    • properly detect and report conflicting options in JSON config


This release adds initial support for ClickHouse database.

Following providers/protocols supported:

To see supported data type mappings and related issues with providers see this document.

Additional features
  • added new bulk copy options BulkCopyOptions.MaxDegreeOfParallelism and BulkCopyOptions.WithoutSession for ClickHouse.Client HTTP provider
  • CLI scaffold: implemented
  • T4 scaffold: not planned
  • query parameters: not supported/not planned
  • LinqPAD support: will be added in future releases
  • Custom query hints/extensions: will be added in future releases (feedback on which extensions needed is welcome)

Release 4.1.1

  • #3629: fix OUTPUT/RETURNING into temporary table
  • #3630: [SQL Server] fix type load exception for self-extracting applications
  • #3633: fix AddLinqToDBContext DI helper to support context constructors with additional parameters
  • #3636: fix GROUP BY query caching
  • #3637: improve typing of CASE expression

Release 4.1.0

  • #861: fix tracing for misconfigured/failed connection
  • #3557: Fix cases where optional association could produce INNER JOIN instead of LEFT JOIN
  • #3585: [Oracle] Add support for Devart.Data.Oracle provider
    • #3610: fix scaffolding exception with Oracle 19+
  • #3591: fix exception from DataContext.ctor(IDataProvider, string) contructor
  • #3594: Improve typing of COALESCE
  • #3596: [SQL Server] Add OPENJSON function mapping (LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlFn.OpenJson(...))
  • #3601: [Oracle] Specify DataType.Cursor for ref cursor columns in scaffold
  • #3604: [Scaffold] Fixed include/exclude object filter parsing when both schema and name/regex filters specified
  • #3611: [MySQL] Support ColumnAttribute.Length values in [256, 65535] range for VarChar type for CreateTable APIs
  • #3612: [Scaffold] Fix exception from help scaffold command from some environments
  • #3615: [Scaffold] Update naming options configuration approach. Now you don't need to specify all naming option properties from scratch if you want to change only one property (e.g. name casing) - values for unspecified properties will be taken from default option value

Release 4.0.1

  • #1878: fix Guid compatibility issue with Microsoft.Data.SQLite 3+. Now it is possible to map Guid to text by using Column(DbType="TEXT") or Column(DataType=DataType.ONE_OF_TEXT_TYPES_HERE). Default Guid mapping is still remains binary
  • #3563: add missing dependencies to linq2db.PostgreSQL T4 nuget
  • #3564: fixed issues with pre-generated scaffolding template (missing namespace and NRT warnings). Thanks to Alexey Zagoskin for fixing it
  • #3567: improve scaffold tool help to include default switch values for T4 compat mode
  • #3568: fixed names of generated files by scaffold tool to have same name as generated class even after class renamed by scaffold interceptor
  • #3569: add new switch --generated-suffix to scaffold tool to add .generated suffix to generated file names
  • #3570: [SQL Server] fixed handling of date/time types (DateTime, DateTimeOffset, TimeSpan, DateOnly, SqlDateTime) to respect precision and generate typed literals in queries
  • #3575: fixed linq2db.AspNet nuget to reference proper version of Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
  • #3578: [CLI] removed database name from name of table/view/procedure, returned by schema by default. Use new option --database-in-name to re-enable it

Release 4.0.0

No changes since RC2.

Release 4.0.0 Release Candidate 2

  • #3502: DateOnly type support (all databases)
  • #3506: fix missing Nullable<T>.Value handling in some places
  • #3534: Scaffold tool improvements
    • adds extension points to customize generated entities, procedures, functions and associations
    • adds --equatable-entities option to implement functionality of Equatable.ttinclude T4 template in scaffold tool (generation of IEquality<T> interface implementation on entity classes)
  • #3536: add support for database packages
    • add new Package property in Sql.TableFunctionAttribute
    • automatically wrap table function call in TABLE(...) wrapper for DB2 LUW and Oracle 11 dialects
    • [Oracle][Firebird][DB2] add support for functions and packages to Schema API
    • add support for package procedures and functions to scaffold by T4 and linq2db.cli
  • #3541: improve value nullability tracking, annotate functions in Sql class for nullability where it was missing
  • #3542: fix support for members, marked with Sql.ExpressionAttribute, in association queries
  • #3543: fix rare IndexOutOfRangeException in queries with functions
  • #3547: add Sql.NullIf function, mapped to NULLIF sql function (with emulation for databases which doesn't support it)
  • #3548: fixed regression in PostgreSQL enum parameters support

Packages Support

Database package is a named group of procedures and functions (plus types and variables in some DB), supported by following databases:

  • Oracle Database
  • DB2 LUW (under module name)
  • Firebird 3+
  • SAP HANA (under library name)
  • MariaDB

By support of packages in Linq To DB we mean following:

  • support of package table functions mapping using Sql.TableFunctionAttribute by adding Sql.TableFunctionAttribute.Package property to specify package name for function
  • support of package functions and procedures in Schema API
  • support for package functions and procedures in database scaffolding (using both T4 templates and linq2db.cli utility)

Known issues and limitations:

  • [MariaDB] package stored procedures cannot be called using stored procedure API (QueryProc, ExecuteProc) with MySql.Data provider (provider bug). User should use raw sql calls like CALL package.proc(...) or even better - switch to MySqlConnector provider
  • [SAP HANA] library functions/procedures cannot be called using native unmanaged provider due to provider bug. ODBC provider should be used
  • [SAP HANA][MariaDB] packages not supported by Schema API (and scaffolding) because those databases don't expose required metadata

Release 4.0.0 Release Candidate 1

Also contains all changes from Release 3.7.0.

For migration notes check this document.

  • #2452: Query Extensions API to extend queries with custom SQL at specific points. See details below.
    • [SQL Server] adds new SQL Server dialect levels: SqlServerVersion.v2014 and SqlServerVersion.v2019 enum values and ProviderName.SqlServer2019 identifier
    • improved SQL optimization to remove unnecessary nesting for SQL like SELECT * FROM (sub-query)
  • #2582: Improved handling of changes to mapping schema to avoid issues when changes ignored due to cached queries
  • #2619: Improved support for set (UNION-like) queries with sorting
  • #3097: Default value for Configuration.ContinueOnCapturedContext setting changed to false (as it should be)
  • #3098: New database scaffold dotnet tool implemented to replace old T4 templates. See more details below
  • #3410: Remote context refactoring. See more details below
  • #3411: [SQL Server] Added pre-generated mappings for sys and INFORMATION_SCHEMA schemas for SQL Server:
    • LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlType: type name generators
    • LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlFn: functions and variables
    • LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas.SystemDB (linq2db.Tools nuget package): system schemas data context
  • #3441: Removed netcoreapp2.1 TFM. Linq To DB still available for .NET Core 2.1 using netstandard2.0 TFM.
  • #3496: [Breaking] DataConnection.GetTable instance methods removed as they duplicate existing data context extension methods
  • #3499: Enable CTE support for SQL Server 2005 dialect
  • #3502: DateOnly type support (all databases) due to packaging error, feature will be shipped in RC2
  • #3508: Support IReadOnlyDictionary.ContainsKey method in queries
  • #3514: fixed SQL generation for [NOT] IN (...) operator in CompareNullsAsValues = true mode to use value semantics for null
  • #3515: [Breaking] Sql.<type_name> database type name generation properties moved to Sql.Types. "namespace" to avoid naming conflicts with using static Sql code
  • [BREAKING] Default SQL Server provider changed from System.Data.SqlClient to Microsoft.Data.SqlClient (you can use SqlServerTools.Provider property to change it back)
  • [BREAKING] We are marking most of database provider classes (e.g. SqlServerDataProvider) as abstract. There are many reasons why you shouldn't create provider instance manually. Proper way to get provider instance is to use <dbname>Tools.GetDataProvider(...) method or DataConnection.GetDataProvider(...) methods. Only situation when you should create provider instance manually is when you sub-class provider to override some of it's methods. And even is such case it is better to register your provider implementation in DataConnection with AddDataProvider method.


With this release we obsolete some code:

  • several properties on AssociationAttribute (KeyName, BackReferenceName, IsBackReference, Relationship) and Relationship enum. It was never used by Linq To DB. T4 templates and scaffolding tool will not generate them anymore.
  • DataConnection.OnTrace property. LinqToDBConnectionOptions.OnTrace should be used instead

Scaffold Tool

For detailed documentation check tool nuget readme.

For feedback please use this discussion.

With RC1 we release initial version of new database scaffolding tool, which will replace T4 templates.

We still plan to ship T4 templates for Linq To DB 4 but there is no plans to introduce new T4 features and we plan to obsolete them completely in future (Linq To DB 5 probably?).

Reasoning behind new tool development

T4 templates were introduced in times when Visual Studio and .NET Framework were only development platforms and doesn't reflect current situation on .NET world anymore:

  • Visual Studio not available for non-Windows platforms and other IDEs lack support for T4 preprocessing features, required for them to work (e.g. MS Build directives support)
  • Visual Studio runs T4 templates using .NET Framework as host (x86 for VS 2017- and x64 process for VS 2022). Other IDEs could use .NET Core runtime for T4 templates. This creates two usability issues:
    • T4 templates use .NET Framework versions of database providers which will not work in .NET Core hosts
    • some database providers use unmanaged code and require specific process architecture, but Visual Studio doesn't give users such choice

Those are main issues, that cannot be solved with current T4 templates architecture.

What is implemented for current release

Current release (4.0.0-rc.1) ships base scaffolding functionality and initial support for scaffolding process customization. Currently customization includes hooks for database schema load process. Later releases will add remaining hooks.

List of additional changes:

  • new implementation has full control over generated code which allows it to generate valid code where T4 templates could fail:
    • automatic detection and fix of naming conflicts within generated code including method overloads handling and support for conflicting names from external code (requires from user to provide list of conflicting identifiers). E.g. see T4 issues #1586, #2168
    • proper literals generation (e.g. escaping of characters in generated strings)
    • language-agnostic model allows generation of data model code in different laanguages/language versions (current release ships only C# support, but at least we plan to introduce F# support in future)
  • #1825: file-per-class code generation support
  • #1897: new option to enable/disable @return parameter scaffolding for SQL Server stored procedures
  • #2793: new options to generate various entity Find and FinqQuery extension methods including async versions of Find method
  • [Access] support for mixed scaffold mode, which use two database providers to load database schema: OLE DB and ODBC providers. This feature is needed, because both OLE DB and ODBC providers return incorrect/incomplete database schema, but those errors are specific only to one provider. When we merge schemas from both providers - we receive correct database schema for scaffolding.
  • support for generation of async stored procedure mappings
  • more flexible identifier generation options
  • extensibility hook to override type mapping of database type to .NET type
  • added some more database types mappings to .net type in scaffolding (previously default type object used):
    • [Sybase]: usmallint, uint, ubigint, bigdatetime, date, time, bigtime, unitext, unichar, univarchar
    • [PostgreSQL]: regproc (as string), custom enum (as string, in future we can add C# enum generation), default multi-/range types (except custom range types)
    • scaffold tool will generate error message to console when unknown database type found. If this is standard type - it is recommended to report it as issue so we can add support for it. For custom types it is better to use extensibility hook to specify proper .net type for it.

Remote Context

Thanks to Vyacheslav Avdeev for PR.

Remote data context allows Linq To DB to work with database indirectly by sending LINQ queries to server application over network. This feature were introduced long time ago mostly to facilitate database access for runtimes with limited functionality (e.g. currently dead Silverlight or mono-based mobile frameworks).

Initial implementation (pre-4 versions) supported only .NET Framework and two transports:

  • WCF
  • ASMX WebServices

With 4.0 release we refresh this feature to support modern frameworks and transports. List of changes:

  • ASMX WebServices transport support removed (this is quite old technology nobody really should use for at least recent 10 years)
  • GRPC transport added
  • .NET (Core) support added (GRPC-only, WCF implementation currently limited to .NET Framework)
  • WCF an GRPC transport implemntations support async transport APIs for async queries (previously all network requests used blocking API)
  • Core functionality made public to allow new transport implementations by users
  • Existing transports implementations moved to separate nugets: linq2db.Remote.Grpc and linq2db.Remote.Wcf

We can add more transports in future on request.

For use examples, check examples here (Remote folder).

Interceptors (Changes since previous releases)

You can also read about interceptors in Linq To DB here.

This release brings some changes to interceptors feature, introduced in earlier releases:

  • added new IUnwrapDataObjectInterceptor interceptor to work with data connection wrappers, e.g. MiniProfiler
  • moved EntityCreated interceptor event from IDataContextInterceptor to separate IEntityServiceInterceptor
  • renamed ConnectionOpenedEventData and ConnectionOpeningEventData structs to ConnectionEventData
  • added AfterExecuteReader interceptor to ICommandInterceptor interface

This interceptor is triggered after DbCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior) or DbCommand.ExecuteReaderAsync(CommandBehavior, CancellationToken) calls before reader enumeration. E.g. it could be used to modify reader options before data enumeration (Oracle provider could have such options).

void AfterExecuteReader(CommandEventData eventData, DbCommand command, CommandBehavior commandBehavior, DbDataReader dataReader);

This interceptor replaces old approach, where you need to register unwrap expressions in MappingSchema.

Example of interceptor implementation for MiniProfiler:

public class UnwrapProfilerInterceptor : UnwrapDataObjectInterceptor
    // as interceptor is thread-safe, we will create
    // and use single instance of it
    public static readonly IInterceptor Instance = new UnwrapProfilerInterceptor();

	public override DbConnection UnwrapConnection(IDataContext dataContext, DbConnection connection)
		return connection is ProfiledDbConnection c ? c.WrappedConnection : connection;

	public override DbTransaction UnwrapTransaction(IDataContext dataContext, DbTransaction transaction)
		return transaction is ProfiledDbTransaction t ? t.WrappedTransaction : transaction;

	public override DbCommand UnwrapCommand(IDataContext dataContext, DbCommand command)
		return command is ProfiledDbCommand c ? c.InternalCommand : command;

	public override DbDataReader UnwrapDataReader(IDataContext dataContext, DbDataReader dataReader)
		return dataReader is ProfiledDbDataReader dr ? dr.WrappedReader : dataReader;

Query Extensions API

For additional examples and documentation check this article.

This new feature allows user to attach custom SQL to LINQ queries at several extension points. This allows user to use most of database-specific SQL statement extensions without downgrading to raw SQL queries. E.g.:

  • specify database-specific query hints
  • annotate queries or subqueries with custom comments
  • other non-hint code

In previous versions of Linq To DB we had several API with for limited support for such extensions:

  • With table extension to add MSSQL-style table hint WITH(...)
  • WithTableExpression table extension to add custom table hint
  • DataConnection.QueryHints and DataConnection.NextQueryHints to add custom SQL as suffix or prefix to next query or queries. Those API are still available and supported. E.g. QueryHints and NextQueryHints could be useful with non-linq APIs, where new extensions API is not available.

For list of extension points check this table. More extension points could be added on user request in future.

Except extension API itself we added a lot of ready-to-use extensions (mostly hints) for supported databases. If you still cannot find some hint you need - create feature request. Available extensions:

  • LinqToDB.DataProvider.<DB_NAME>.<DB_NAME>Hints extension classes with db-specific hints for tables, joins, (sub-)queries
  • As<DB_NAME>() extension method in LinqToDB.DataProvider.<DB_NAME> namespace which could be used to specify extensions for use with specific database type. This is useful for applications that should work with multiple database types (e.g. Oracle and PostgreSQL) and want to use same linq query code for them.
  • QueryName extension to set a name to (sub-)query which will be used as reference to query from query-specific hint (for databases with query naming support)
  • TableId, Sql.TableName, Sql.TableSpec, Sql.TableAlias methods to assign identifier to table for reference from hint. It is similar to QueryName but used for tables instead of (sub-)queries
  • hint methods TableHint, TablesInScopeHint, IndexHint, JoinHint, SubQueryHint and QueryHint

To create your own extension you can use new Sql.QueryExtensionAttribute attribute. Check existing extensions for examples.

Release 4.0.0 Previews 2-10

No new v4-specific features, only changes from underlying v3 releases:

Release 4.0.0 Preview 1

With this release we start to publish previews of Linq To DB v4 (planned for release later this year). Previews will include all features and fixes from current v3 release and new features, fixes and refactorings for v4. This will allow users to use new features that require major version bump due to breaking changes without waiting for next major release.

Based on: v3.4.0. For migration notes check this document

  • #2728:
    • #2643: MARS-like queries support. This feature will unblock execution of queries inside of enumeration of another open query without force materialization (e.g. using ToList()/ToAray() methods):
      • [SQL Server]: MultipeActiveResutSets=true connection option required
      • [MySQL/MariaDB][PostgreSQL]: feature is not supported due to provider or database protocol limitation
    • [BREAKING] Access to current command data for data connection changed to support multiple active commands:
      • DataConnection.LastParameters property removed
      • DataConnection.Command property removed
      • procedures, generated using T4 templates should be regenerated, as they were using removed properties
      • to access Command (on handle other events/extension points in future) we introduce interceptors support, similar to EF.Core interceptors with some distinctions (see below)
      • following DataConnection events replaced with interceptors: OnBeforeConnectionOpen, OnBeforeConnectionOpenAsync, OnConnectionOpened, OnConnectionOpenedAsync
    • [Sybase] Native bulk copy against temp table will automatically downgrade to SQL-based bulk copy implementation as native bulk copy doesn't support temp tables
  • #2812: SQL Server 2000 support was removed (min. supported SQL Server version is 2005 from now). If you still need to support SQL Server 2000 you can use Linq To DB v3 or request support restore from us.
  • #2826: Adds Guid type support for Firebird provider. Thanks to Eugine Savin for contribution. By default Guid is mapped to Firebird UUID type (CHAR(16) CHARACTER SET OCTETS). Specifying DataType = DataType.Char or DataType = DataType.NChar in mapping will map it to CHAR(38)
    • #2823: properly generate type name for Guid (e.g. for CreateTable API or CAST expression) based used DataType
    • #2833: support literal generation for Guid based used DataType
    • note that in previous versions of Linq To DB Guid support was limited to CHAR(38) string literal generation for parameters and if you want to preserve mapping to string for your model, you should annotate it with DataType.Char
  • #2929: replace se of ADO.NET interfaces with corresponding base classes everywhere. Following changes done:
    • IDataRecord/IDataReader -> DbDataReader
    • IDbCommand -> DbCommand
    • IDbDataParameter -> DbParameter
    • IDbConnection -> DbConnection
    • IDbTransaction -> IDbTransaction
    • [BREAKING]: if you had custom mappings that use those interfaces, they should be updated to use classes, e.g.:
      • MiniProfiler unwrap mappings
      • custom data reader expressions
  • #2930: remove functionality, marked in v3 with [Obsolete] attribute
  • #2941:
    • #2934: add support for LinqToDbConnectionOptions to DataContext
    • #2927: migrate more DataConnection and DataContext events to interceptors (see details here)
    • [SQLite] use temp schema for temporary tables explicitly to avoid naming conflicts with main schema


With this release we are starting migration from events to interceptors and introduce first interceptor events. For initial release we concentrating on migration of already existed functionality (e.g. events) to interceptors. New events without prior implementation will be added later or on request.

To see which APIs were replaced with interceptors check migration notes


This interceptor provides access to events and operations associated with database command.

// triggered after command initialization but before execution
// it provides access to prepared SQL command and parameters
DbCommand CommandInitialized(CommandEventData eventData, DbCommand command);

// triggered before `ExecuteScalar/ExecuteScalarAsync` call on command
// and could replace actual call by returning results from interceptor
Option<object?>       ExecuteScalar     (
                                         CommandEventData eventData,
                                         DbCommand command,
                                         Option<object?> result);
Task<Option<object?>> ExecuteScalarAsync(
                                         CommandEventData eventData,
                                         DbCommand command,
                                         Option<object?> result,
                                         CancellationToken cancellationToken);

// triggered before `ExecuteNonQuery/ExecuteNonQueryAsync` call on command
// and could replace actual call by returning results from interceptor
Option<int>       ExecuteNonQuery     (CommandEventData eventData, DbCommand command, Option<int> result);
Task<Option<int>> ExecuteNonQueryAsync(
                                       CommandEventData eventData,
                                       DbCommand command,
                                       Option<int> result,
                                       CancellationToken cancellationToken);

// triggered before `ExecuteReader/ExecuteReaderAsync` call on command
// and could replace actual call by returning results from interceptor
Option<DbDataReader>       ExecuteReader     (
                                              CommandEventData eventData,
                                              DbCommand command,
                                              CommandBehavior commandBehavior,
                                              Option<DbDataReader> result);
Task<Option<DbDataReader>> ExecuteReaderAsync(
                                              CommandEventData eventData,
                                              DbCommand command,
                                              CommandBehavior commandBehavior,
                                              Option<DbDataReader> result,
                                              CancellationToken cancellationToken);

struct CommandEventData
    public DataConnection DataConnection { get; }

// convinience base class for custom interceptor implementation
public abstract class CommandInterceptor : ICommandInterceptor
    // interceptor implementation as no-op virtual methods

This interceptor provides access to events and operations associated with database context (built-in class that implements IDataContext, e.g. DataConnection or DataContext).

// triggered when new entity created during query materialization
// (except queries with explicit constructor call)
object EntityCreated(DataContextEventData eventData, object entity);

// triggered before data context instance `Close/CloseAsync` method execution
void OnClosing(DataContextEventData eventData);
Task OnClosingAsync(DataContextEventData eventData);

// triggered after data context instance `Close/CloseAsync` method execution
void OnClosed(DataContextEventData eventData);
Task OnClosedAsync(DataContextEventData eventData);

struct DataContextEventData
    public IDataContext Context { get; }

// convinience base class for custom interceptor implementation
public abstract class DataContextInterceptor : IDataContextInterceptor
    // interceptor implementation as no-op virtual methods

This interceptor provides access to events and operations associated with database connection.

// triggered before data connection `Open/OpenAsync` method execution
void ConnectionOpening(ConnectionOpeningEventData eventData, DbConnection connection);
Task ConnectionOpeningAsync(
                            ConnectionOpeningEventData eventData,
                            DbConnection connection,
                            CancellationToken cancellationToken);

// triggered after data connection `Open/OpenAsync` method execution
void ConnectionOpened(ConnectionOpenedEventData eventData, DbConnection connection);
Task ConnectionOpenedAsync(
                           ConnectionOpenedEventData eventData,
                           DbConnection connection,
                           CancellationToken cancellationToken);

struct ConnectionOpenedEventData
    public DataConnection DataConnection { get; }

// convinience base class for custom interceptor implementation
public abstract class ConnectionInterceptor : IConnectionInterceptor
    // interceptor implementation as no-op virtual methods

To register interceptor you can use:

  • AddInterceptor method on data context (e.g. DataConnection or DataContext)
  • add interceptor to LinqToDbConnectionOptions using LinqToDbConnectionOptionsBuilder.AddInterceptor(interceptor) API
  • for one-time execution of ICommandInterceptor.CommandInitialized event you can use db.OnNextCommandInitialized(interceptor delegate) method on DataConnection or DataContext
// registration in DataContext
using (var ctx = new DataContext(...))

    // one-time command prepared interceptor
    ctx.OnNextCommandInitialized((args, cmd) =>
        // save next command parameters to external variable
        parameters = cmd.Parameters.Cast<DbParameter>().ToArray();
	return cmd;

// registration in DataConnection
using (var ctx = new DataConnection(...))

    // one-time command prepared interceptor
    ctx.OnNextCommandInitialized((args, cmd) =>
        // set oracle-specific command option for next command
        ((OracleCommand)command).BindByName = false;

// registration in DataConnection using fluent configuration
var builder = new LinqToDbConnectionOptionsBuilder()
var dc = new DataConnection(builder.Build());
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